
lesion n.1.損害,損傷。2.【醫學】(機體、器官等的)損害。...


Emotional disorders in patients with prefrontal cortex lesions 前額葉皮質損傷患者的情緒異常

Mature teratomas of the mediastinum are benign lesions 縱膈腔之成熟畸胎瘤大多是良性病變。

His skin lesions did not resolve and his fever persisted 他的皮膚損害沒有恢復,持續發熱。

A preliminary study of new imaging agents on inflammation lesions 新型炎癥顯像劑的初步研究

Grossly , a granuloma tends to be a focal lesion 肉芽腫是較局限化的。

Thread - like lesions or vesicles may be seen on the skin 皮膚表面可能會出現線狀損傷或小。

Mri ct - guided stereotactic biopsy for intracranial lesions 影像學引導的立體定向腦活檢手術

Microvenular hemangioma is a benign lesion 微靜脈型血管瘤是良性病變。

The mass lesion seen here in the testis is a seminoma 睪丸中見到腫塊病變是精原細胞瘤。

Symptoms : fever , rash over four limbs and oral lesions 病徵:發燒,四肢出疹及口部潰瘍

He received total excision of the lesion at our opd 患者在本院接受病灶全切除手術。

A biopsy could miss such lesions from sampling error , too 活檢會因取材不當而漏診。

Symptom : fever , rash on limbs and oral lesions 病徵:發燒,四肢出疹,口部潰瘍

Complete remission : the lesion disappears completely . 2 1完全緩解:病灶完全消失。

Principles in managing coronary bifurcation lesions 冠心病分叉病變的處理原則

These lesions are benign and cured by resection 為良性腫瘤,可通過切除治愈。

Cover all skin lesions with waterproof dressings 用防水敷料覆蓋所有皮膚損傷。

This lesion can be lessened by surgical correction 這種損害可通過外科矯治減弱。

Direct palpation with the fingers or indirect palpation with a probe is aimed at determining the size, consistency, temperature and sensitiveness of a lesion or organ . 用手指直接觸診或用一根探針間接觸診,目的在于確定損害或器官的大小、堅度、溫度和敏感性。