
leptospirosis n.【醫學】鉤端螺旋體病。leptospiral adj...


“ overseas outbreaks of leptospirosis are usually related to occupational or recreational water exposures , such as water contaminated with urine of infected animals , “ the spokesman said 發言人表示:外地爆發端螺旋體病的原因通常與工作或運動時接觸水源,例如接觸受感染動物尿液污染過的水源等有關。

The spokesman said leptospirosis was a zoonotic disease caused by the bacteria leptospira . leptospira organisms can be found in some animals including rodents , cattle , pigs , horses , and dogs 發言說,端螺旋體病是一種動物傳染病,由端螺旋菌引致,端螺旋菌可在動物包括老鼠牛豬馬及狗的身上找到。

The centre for health protection ( chp ) of the department of health today ( april 18 ) reported two cases of imported leptospirosis involving a couple who are now in stable condition ?生署?生防護中心今日(四月十八日)正調查兩宗由外地傳入的?端螺旋體病的個案,患者為一對夫婦,他們現時情況穩定。

The centre for health protection of the department of health today october 4 confirmed a leptospirosis case involving a participant of the hiking activity “ team challenge 36 “ held in august 生署生防護中心今日十月四日證實一宗端螺旋體病個案,涉及一名曾于8月參與團隊挑戰36遠足活動的參加者。

The spokesman said leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease caused by the bacteria leptospira . leptospira organisms can be found in some animals including rodents , cattle , pigs , horses , and dogs 發言說,端螺旋體病是一種動物傳染病,由端螺旋菌引致,端螺旋菌可在動物包括老鼠牛豬馬及狗的身上找到。

The spokesman noted that leptospirosis is a zoonotic animal disease caused by the bacteria , leptospira , which can be found in some animals including rodents , cattle , pigs , horses and dogs 發言人續說端螺旋體病是一種動物傳染病,由端螺旋菌引致,端螺旋菌可在動物包括老鼠牛豬馬及狗的身上找到。

“ the risk of leptospirosis infection can be minimised by covering open wounds properly and avoiding contact with urine of live mammals and objects contaminated by them as well as polluted water . 妥善包扎傷口及避免接觸生畜尿液其污染過的物件及污水,能大大減低感染端螺旋體病的機會。

“ the risk of leptospirosis infection can be minimized by covering open wounds properly and avoiding contact with urine of live mammals and objects contaminated by them as well as polluted water . 妥善包扎傷口及避免接觸生畜尿液其污染過的物件及污水,能大大減低感染端螺旋體病的機會。

The centre for health protection of the department of health today october 8 is investigating a patient whose initial blood test result shows positive antibodies to leptospirosis 生署生防護中心今日十月八日正調查一宗個案,患者的血液樣本初步結果對端螺旋體病呈陽性抗體的反應。

A chp spokesman said patients with leptospirosis commonly present with a flu - like illness with high fever , headache , muscle pains , red eye , sore throat and rash 發言人表示感染?端螺旋體病的病人通常會出現類似感冒的病徵,包括發高燒、頭痛、肌肉痛、眼紅、喉嚨痛及紅疹等徵狀。

Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease caused by the bacteria leptospira . leptospira organisms can be found in some animals including rodents , cattle , pigs , horses and dogs ?端螺旋體病是一種動物傳染病,由?端螺旋菌引致, ?端螺旋菌可在動物包括老鼠、牛、豬、馬及狗的身上找到。

The spokesman said the risk of leptospirosis is usually related to occupational or recreational water exposures , such as water contaminated with urine of infected animals 發言人說,感染?端螺旋體病的原因通常是工作或康樂活動時接觸受污染的水源,例如被動物尿液污染的水源。

The case is epidemiologically linked to the two leptospirosis cases involving a couple earlier this week . they were members of a tour which travelled to sabah , malaysia from march 24 to 28 防護中心的流行病學調查顯示,個案與本周初獲證實涉及一對夫婦的兩宗個案有關連。

The spokesman said the risk of leptospirosis is usually related to occupational or recreational water exposures , such as water contaminated with urine of infected animals 發言人說,感染端螺旋體病的原因通常是工作或康樂活動時接觸受污染的水源,例如被動物尿液污染的水源。

The spokesman said people infected with leptospirosis commonly present with a flu - like illness with high fever , headache , muscle pains , red eye , sore throat and rash 他表示感染端螺旋體病的病人通常會出現類似感冒的病徵,包括發高燒頭痛肌肉痛眼紅喉嚨痛及紅疹等徵狀。

Another case of leptospirosis reported the centre for health protection of the department of health today april 21 reported another case of leptospirosis involving a 24 - year - old woman 生署生防護中心今日四月二十一日接獲多一宗端螺旋體病報告,患者是一名二十四歲女子。

He pointed out that apart from c violaceum , a host of other pathogenic bacteria , including tetanus and leptospirosis , can be naturally present in soil and fresh water 他指出,除了紫色色桿菌外,其他的致病桿菌,包括破傷風及?端螺旋體病,都自然存在于泥土及水。

The centre for health protection ( chp ) of the department of health today ( december 9 ) is investigating a suspected case of leptospirosis involving a 53 - year - old man ?生署?生防護中心今日(十二月九日)正調查一宗?端螺旋體病的懷疑個案,患者為一名53歲男子。

The centre for health protection ( chp ) of the department of health today ( december 2 ) is investigating a suspected case of leptospirosis involving a 41 - year - old man ?生署?生防護中心今日(十二月二日)正調查一宗?端螺旋體病的懷疑個案,患者為一名41歲男子。