
lepton 短語和例子lepton1n.(pl. lepta )1....


And by deep inelastic scattering of polarized leptons on nucleus and polarized nuclear drell - yan process one can understand polarized parton densities in nucleus more deeply 通過極化的輕子與原子核的深度非彈性散射、極化的核drell - yan過程,可以更深入地了解原子核中的極化夸克?部分子分布的信息。

A quark ( or an antiquark ) from the projectile hadron radiates a virtual photon on impact on the target , the photon subsequently decays into a lepton pair 入射強子中的一個夸克(或反夸克)在靶的作用下輻射出一個虛光子,虛光子再衰變成正反輕子對。

By deep inelastic scattering of leptons on nucleus and nuclear drell - yan processes one can learn the parton densities in nucleus 通過輕子與原子核的深度非彈性散射、核drell - yan過程,可以了解原子核中的夸克?部分子分布的信息。

“ for the neutrino beam method and the demonstration of the doublet structure of the leptons through the discovery of the muon neutrino 產生第一個實驗室創造的中微子束,并發現中微子,從而證明了輕子的對偶結構

Mk . 12 : 42 and one poor widow came and cast in two lepta , which is a quadrans 可十二42有一個窮寡婦來,投了兩個小錢,就是一個大錢。

And one poor widow came and cast in two lepta , which is a quadrans 42有一個窮寡婦來,投了兩個小錢,就是一個大錢。

“ for pioneering experimental contributions to lepton physics 為作早期工作在對雷普頓物理的實驗性貢獻

The theoretical computations are performed under the assumption that the leptons are point particles . 理論計算是在假定輕子是點粒子的條件下完成的。

The antimuon decay also conserves the total light and heavy lepton numbers . 在反子衰變中,總輕輕子數和總重輕子數也是守恒的。

The different kinds of quarks or leptons are known technically as flavors . 夸克和輕子的這些個同種類,從技術上看是有特色的。

There is a lepton which is neutral, called a neutrino . 有一個輕子是中性的,叫做中微子。