
leprous adj.1.麻瘋的;似麻瘋的;患麻瘋的。2.不潔凈的,丑...


A curtain of the same material depended from a copper rod and formed a sort of recess at the end of the room , while two large windows opened on the courtyard of the theater and were faced , at a distance of three yards at most , by a leprous - looking wall against which the panes cast squares of yellow light amid the surrounding darkness 帷幔也是同樣的料子,吊在一根銅桿上,把屋子后邊隔成一個小間。兩扇寬大的窗戶朝向劇院的庭院,離窗戶最多三公尺遠處,有一堵斑斑點點的圍墻。夜色中,屋子里的燈光,透過窗戶上的玻璃,射出一塊塊方形黃色光亮,映在那堵圍墻上。

“ he shall then look at the mark on the seventh day ; if the mark has spread in the garment , whether in the warp or in the woof , or in the leather , whatever the purpose for which the leather is used , the mark is a leprous malignancy , it is unclean 利13 : 51第七天他要察看那災病、災病或在衣服上、經上、緯上、皮子上、若發散、這皮子無論當作何用、這災病是蠶食的大麻瘋、都是不潔凈了。

Night after night i had been coming back to this quarter , attracted by certain leprous streets which only revealed their sinister splendor when the light of day had oozed away and the whores commenced to take up their posts 我每天夜里都回到這兒來,因為這兒有幾條患麻風病的街道吸引著我,它們要待白天的光亮漸漸消失、妓女們各就各位后才暴露出其邪惡的光輝。

And azariah the chief priest , and all the priests , looked upon him , and , behold , he was leprous in his forehead , and they thrust him out from thence ; yea , himself hasted also to go out , because the lord had smitten him 代下26 : 20大祭司亞撒利雅和眾祭司觀看、見他額上發出大?瘋、就催他出殿、他自己也急速出去、因為耶和華降災與他。

“ so he shall burn the garment , whether the warp or the woof , in wool or in linen , or any article of leather in which the mark occurs , for it is a leprous malignancy ; it shall be burned in the fire 利13 : 52那染了災病的衣服、或是經上、緯上、羊毛上、麻衣上、或是皮子作的甚麼物件上、他都要焚燒因為這是蠶食的大?瘋、必在火中焚燒。

Azariah the chief priest and all the priests looked at him , and behold , he was leprous on his forehead ; and they hurried him out of there , and he himself also hastened to get out because the lord had smitten him 代下26 : 20大祭司亞撒利雅和眾祭司觀看、見他額上發出大?瘋、就催他出殿、他自己也急速出去、因為耶和華降災與他。

And azariah the chief priest and all the priests looked at him , and there he was , leprous on his forehead ; and they rushed him out of there , and he himself also hurried out to go out , for jehovah had stricken him 20祭司長亞撒利雅和眾祭司觀看,見他額上發出?瘋,就催他離開那里;他自己也急速出去,因為耶和華擊打了他。

Dust webbed the window and the showtrays . dust darkened the toiling fingers with their vulture nails . dust slept on dull coils of bronze and silver , lozenges of cinnabar , on rubies , leprous and winedark stones 一盤盤顏色晦暗的青銅絲和銀絲,菱形的朱砂紅玉以及那些帶鱗狀斑紋的和絳色的寶石上,都蒙著厚厚的積塵。

[ niv ] in cases of leprous [ 1 ] diseases be very careful to do exactly as the priests , who are levites , instruct you . you must follow carefully what i have commanded them 8 [和合] “在大8麻風的災病上,你們要謹慎,照祭司利未人一切所指教你們的,留意遵行。我怎樣吩咐他們,你們要怎樣遵行。

Nasb : the lord furthermore said to him , “ now put your hand into your bosom . “ so he put his hand into his bosom , and when he took it out , behold , his hand was leprous like snow 和合本:耶和華又對他說、把手放在懷里、他就把手放在懷里、及至抽出來、不料、手長了大?瘋、有雪那樣白。

And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle ; and , behold , miriam became leprous , white as snow : and aaron looked upon miriam , and , behold , she was leprous 民12 : 11有雪那樣白亞倫一看米利暗長了大麻瘋、就對摩西說、我主阿、求你不要因我們愚昧犯罪、便將這罪加在我們身上。

But when the cloud had withdrawn from over the tent , behold , miriam was leprous , as white as snow . as aaron turned toward miriam , behold , she was leprous 民12 : 11有雪那樣白亞倫一看米利暗長了大?瘋、就對摩西說、我主阿、求你不要因我們愚昧犯罪、便將這罪加在我們身上。

In cases of leprous diseases be very careful to do exactly as the priests , who are levites , instruct you . you must follow carefully what i have commanded them 8在大?瘋的災病上、你們要謹慎、照祭司利未人一切所指教你們的、留意遵行、我怎樣吩咐他們、你們要怎樣遵行。

Naaman ' s leprosy will cling to you and to your descendants forever . “ then gehazi went from elisha ' s presence and he was leprous , as white as snow 27因此乃縵的大?瘋必沾染你、和你的后裔、直到永遠。基哈西從以利沙面前退出去、就長了大?瘋、像雪那樣白。

Hauled stark over the gunwale he breathes upward the stench of his green grave , his leprous nosehole snoring to the sun 隔著船幫硬被拽上來的尸首,散發出綠色墳墓似的惡臭。他那患麻風病般的鼻孔朝太陽噴著氣。

Now there were four leprous men at the entrance of the gate ; and they said to one another , “ why do we sit here until we die 王下7 : 3在城門那里有四個長大麻瘋的人他們彼此說、我們為何坐在這里等死呢。

And there were four leprous men at the entering in of the gate : and they said one to another , why sit we here until we die 3在城門那里有四個長大麻瘋的人,他們彼此說,我們為何坐在這里等死呢。

And he put his hand into his bosom : and when he took it out , behold , his hand was leprous as snow 摩西就把手放進懷里;等他把手抽出來的時候,手就長滿了?風,像雪那樣白。

And he put his hand into his bosom : and when he took it out , behold , his hand was leprous as snow 他就把手放在懷里,及至抽出來,不料,手長了大麻瘋,有雪那樣白。