
lepidoptera n.〔pl.〕 【動物;動物學】鱗翅目(昆蟲),蝶類。


The ants “ quantity is 2203 , and whose dominance index is 0 . 2832 . the quantit y of the rove beetles of the coleoptera is 1619 , and whose dominance index is 0 . 2081 . the pyralids moths and outlet moths of the lepidoptera , the leafhoppers of the homoptera , the darking beetles of coleptera and blow flies of the diptera take the dominant place in moderate insect community 中性昆蟲群落中,以膜翅目蟻科種類及數量最多,其群落數量為2203頭,優勢度指數為0 . 2832 ;其次是鞘翅目隱翅甲昆蟲,數量為1619頭,優勢度指數為0 . 2081 ;再次是鱗翅目的螟蛾、夜蛾,同翅目的葉蟬,鞘翅目的擬步甲,雙翅目的麗蠅等昆蟲。

3 . the effect of sporulation - independent promotor on toxicity of natural strain in order to study the effect of sporulation - independent promotor ( p3a ) , p3a was spliced with the cry1c gene , then inserted into the shuttle vector pht304 , and then recombinated plasmid pbmb827 was obtained . after transferring pbmb827 into strain ybt - 1520 , it was surprising that the transformants had almost no potency against all lepidopteran larvae tested 3非依賴芽胞形成icp的cry3a啟動子( p _ ( 3a ) )對野生菌株特性的影響帶p _ ( 3a )和cry1c基因的重組質粒pbmb827轉入ybt - 1520 ,轉化子對所測昆蟲的毒力下降非常明顯,芽胞和晶體也很難脫落。

This dissertation mainly concerns the construction of genetically engineered bacillus thuringiensis ( bt ) strains with higher toxicity and against a wider spectrum of lepidopteran insects , especially for spodoptera exigua 本論文主要是圍繞構建蘇云金芽胞桿菌對鱗翅目昆蟲特別是針對甜菜夜蛾的高效廣譜基因工程菌而開展的研究工作。

A bacillus thuringiensis strain bt25 with high insecticidal activity against several primary lepidopteran pests in china was identified by pcr - rflp system , and subsequently a novel crylaa gene was cloned from it by pcr techniques Bt25是我國自行分離的對小菜蛾具有高毒力的蘇云金芽孢桿菌,經pcr - rflp系統鑒定它含有cry1aa基因。

The properties of expressing cry1ac and crylca in bmb171 was also studied by quantifying the expression level and determining the toxicity of the relevant transformants again st two lepidopteran larvae 對小菜蛾3齡幼蟲和甜菜夜蛾初孵幼蟲的毒力測定結果表明, bmb171表達cry1ac基因的殺蟲毒力高于bt - 4q7和bt - 4d10 ,略低于bti

Taxonomic tree of mammals , insects , birds , and plants . includes common and scientific names , publication details , references , links , general range maps , and some images . most complete for lepidoptera -含10種瀕臨絕種威脅海洋生物介紹,扁腦珊瑚中華白海豚馬蹄蟹紅斑彈涂魚黃唇魚綠海矮大葉紫海膽黃花魚。

The institute has a collection of over 800 , 000 specimens , including a number of type specimens in heteroptera , diptera and lepidoptera and some rare species 本所標本館擁有采自中國和其它國家的昆蟲標本80余萬號,其中包括一批半翅目,雙翅目和鱗翅目的模式標本以及其它一些珍貴的昆蟲種類。

Any of various insects of the order lepidoptera , characteristically having slender bodies , knobbed antennae , and four broad , usually colorful wings 蝴蝶:多種鱗翅目類昆蟲,特征為身體細長,觸須突出,有四個通常是彩色的寬大的翅。

Antifeedant and oviposition deterrent effect of extracts from xanthium sibiricum and other medicinal plants against plutella xylostella l . lepidoptera : plutellidae 蒼耳等藥用植物提取物對小菜蛾的拒食作用和產卵忌避效果

As the lead specialist for each family of lepidoptera calls out the results of their survey , wagner writes the figures on a whiteboard 鱗翅目各科的領頭專家喊出他們調查的結果,華格納把數字寫到白板上。

Investigation on antifeeding and ovipositing - repelling activity of the plant corydalis sheareri against two lepidoptera insects 對兩種鱗翅目昆蟲拒食和拒產卵活性的初步研究

The major pollinators are tripidae and some other insects , which belong to hymenoptera and lepidoptera , respectively 兩物種是蟲媒異花授粉植物,無風媒傳粉機制。

Until 1977 , only 13 bt subspecies had been described ; all were toxic to lepidopteran larvae only 1977年以前只發現13個亞種,而且這些亞種都只對鱗翅目害蟲有效。

Several method for identification , separation and purification of hemocytes in lepidoptera 鱗翅目昆蟲血細胞鑒定與分離純化的幾種方法

Most susceptible species belong to the orders lepidoptera , diptera , and coleoptera 大多數感染的蟲種屬于鱗翅目、雙翅目和鞘翅目。

Bionomics of alpine tent caterpillars malacosoma insignis lepidoptera : lasiocampidae 高山天幕毛蟲的生物學特性

A preparation method for lepidoptera wing sample 鱗翅目昆蟲翅標本的一種簡易制作方法

The order lepidopteran consists of the butterflies and moths . 鱗翅目有蝴蝶,蛾。