
leper n.1.麻瘋病人。2.別人避之唯恐不及的人。

leper colony

[ bbe ] and there were a number of lepers in israel in the time of elisha the prophet , and not one of them was made clean , but only naaman the syrian 先知以利沙的時候、以色列中有許多長大?瘋的但內中除了敘利亞國的乃縵、沒有一個得潔凈的。

And the leper who has the disease on him is to go about with signs of grief , with his hair loose and his mouth covered , crying , unclean , unclean 身上有長大?瘋災病的、他的衣服要撕裂、也要蓬頭散發、蒙著上唇、喊叫說、不潔凈了、不潔凈了。

Therefore the leprosy of naaman shall cleave to you and to your seed forever . and he went out from his presence a leper as white as snow 27因此,乃縵的?瘋必沾附于你和你的后裔,直到永遠。基哈西從以利沙面前出去,就患了?瘋,像雪那樣白。

Lk . 4 : 27 and there were many lepers in israel during the time of elisha the prophet , and none of them were cleansed , except naaman the syrian 路四27申言者以利沙的時候,以色列中有許多患麻瘋的,其中除了敘利亞人乃縵,沒有一個得潔凈的。

With love in their hearts , formosan fellow practitioners pack and load into containers clothing , toys and spiritual books for lepers in the philippines 214 , 000福爾摩沙同修將愛心的衣物玩具和靈性書籍打包裝柜捐贈給菲律賓麻瘋病患。

So uzziah the king was a leper until the day of his death ; and he dwelt in a separate house as a leper , for he was cut off from the house of jehovah 21烏西雅王患?瘋直到死日;他身患?瘋,住在別的宮里,因他從耶和華的殿被隔離了。

Under master s loving guidance , a quan yin messenger and local fellow initiates brought gifts to the lepers living on a small island called culion 由于師父的愛心指示,觀音使者和巴拉灣同修攜帶禮物,前往古萊恩島拜訪麻瘋病患。

And there were many lepers in israel during the time of elisha the prophet , and none of them were cleansed , except naaman the syrian 27申言者以利沙的時候,以色列中有許多患麻風的,其中除了敘利亞人乃縵,沒有一個得潔凈的。

Through master s loving care , the residents of the culion leper colony are now much happier and have less to worry about in the future 在師父的愛力加持下,如今卡力昂麻瘋村的居民憂愁頓減,過著比以前快樂的生活。

And a leper came to jesus , beseeching him and falling on his knees before him , and saying , “ if you are willing , you can make me clean . 可1 : 40有一個長大?瘋的、來求耶穌、向他跪下說、你若肯、必能叫我潔凈了。

And there came a leper to him , beseeching him , and kneeling down to him , and saying unto him , if thou wilt , thou canst make me clean 40有一個長大麻瘋的,來求耶穌,向他跪下說,你若肯,必能叫我潔凈了。

[ bbe ] now there were four lepers seated at the doorway into the town : and they said to one another , why are we waiting here for death 在城門那里有四個長大?瘋的人他們彼此說、我們為何坐在這里等死呢。

And a leper came to him , entreating him and falling on his knees and saying to him , if you are willing , you can cleanse me 40有一個患麻風的來到耶穌跟前,懇求? ,跪下向?說,你若肯,必能叫我潔凈了。

Now there were four lepers seated at the doorway into the town : and they said to one another , why are we waiting here for death 在城門那里有四個長大?瘋的人他們彼此說、我們為何坐在這里等死呢。

Due to the caring concern of master and friends , we went once again to share the suffering of lepers in au lac 由于師父和朋友們對麻瘋病患的關懷,我們再次回去探視,分擔當地麻瘋患者的苦痛。

Silence ! one more word , and i shall kill you and bind your soul to a leper ` s cloak . where is the burning mirror 安靜!再敢多嘴就殺了你,把你的靈魂封在麻瘋斗篷里。告訴我烈火魔鏡在哪里?

Mt . 8 : 2 and behold , a leper , coming near , worshipped him , saying , lord , if you are willing , you can cleanse me 太八2看哪,有一個患麻瘋的人前來拜他,說,主啊,你若肯,必能叫我潔凈了。

It teaches us to recognise our need of cleansing as did the leper who turned to the only source of hope , the master 教我們要認識我們需要被潔凈,就像麻風病人求助希望的來源? ?主。

And a leper came to him and bowed down before him , and said , “ lord , if you are willing , you can make me clean . 太8 : 2有一個長大麻瘋的、來拜他說、主若肯、必能叫我潔凈了。