
lep LEP =large electron-positron...


Bilingual education in united states of america has contributed a lot to children with limited english proficiency ( lep ) since the act of bilingual education was taken into effect in 1968 . but there are still many problems existing . many children cannot go into the mainstream classroom after several years “ study in school 美國自1968年通過雙語教育法以來,幾十年的雙語教育取得了不小的成效,同時也暴露出許多問題,效果遠遠達不到主流社會的要求,教育環境與現狀需要能夠更有效地提高移民孩子英語水平的教育政策與計劃。

From the point of view of psycholinguistics and bilingual education theory , new policy does not conform to principles of language education and unbeneficial to language and cognitive development for the lep children . from social - linguistic perspectives , it will bring passive effect to long - term achievements of the children from the minority family . therefore new policy is an ethically unsound education policy 從心理語言學及雙語教育理論的角度分析,該提案很大程度上違背語言習得原則,不利于兒童語言及認知水平的發展;另外,該提案只考慮語言文化的統一與融入,把母語教育與英語教育對立起來,從社會語言學分析,會給長期教育目標帶來負面影響。

In this way , the self - similar multi - fractal property of the hadronic system produced in z0 ( ) decay is strictly confirmed and the corresponding fractal dimensions and levy index are obtained in the first time using the high statistics data from the l3 experiment at lep 這樣就精確地驗證了在z ~ o衰變能量下的e ~ + e ~ -對撞末態強子系統是多重自相似分形,并首次用實驗測出了相應的分形維數與l vy指數。