
leotard n.(雜技和舞蹈演員等穿的)高領長袖緊身衣;緊身衣。


I ve been an itinerant singer , a circus - rider , when i used to vault like leotard , and dance on a rope like blondin . then i got to be a professor of gymnastics , so as to make better use of my talents ; and then i was a sergeant fireman at paris , and assisted at many a big fire 我作過闖江湖的歌手,當過馬戲班的演員,我能象雷奧達一樣在懸空的秋千架上飛騰,我能象布丹一樣在繩索上跳舞后來,為了使我的才能更發揮作用,我又當過體育教練。

The burning hot summer , the lower abdomen , the beer belly , general thestomach becomes the multitudinous persons worry , specially the girlfor cannot put on the low trousers and the leotard is annoyed 炎熱的夏季,小腹、啤酒肚、將軍肚成為眾多人的煩惱,特別是女孩子為不能穿低腰褲和緊身衣而懊惱!

If you collect valuable points of bonus , ask your team colleagues for support , so that you can defeat your opponents , and pass you in paris as the first in the yellow leotard the target line 如你能收集寶貴的獎勵,得到團隊的支持,你就可以打敗對手,并第一個沖過巴黎的終點黃線!

Her constant reinvention has taken her from backcombed hair and fingerless gloves in the eighties to her most recent incarnation as a leotard - clad disco diva 從上世紀80年代的蜂窩頭、無指手套,到近年來化身為緊身衣迪斯科跳舞女郎,麥當娜不斷為自己打造著各種形象。

Her constant reinvention has taken her from backcombed hair and fingerless gloves in the eighties to her most recent incarnation as a leotard - clad disco diva 從上世紀80年代的蜂窩頭無指手套,到近年來化身為緊身衣迪斯科跳舞女郎,麥當娜不斷為自己打造著各種形象。

Students are advised to wear leotard / sports wears and dancing shoes / soft shoes , or wear prescribed clothes and shoes 學員須穿著舞蹈服裝/運動服裝及舞蹈鞋/技巧鞋,或穿著指定上課服裝及鞋。

As a leotard - clad disco diva . the material girl launches her new designs for high street store h and m next month 這位“拜金女郎”還將于下月與時尚專賣店h and m合作推出她的最新設計。

Students must come to class in the proper black color leotard , pink or white color tight and ballet shoes 4學生上課必需穿黑色緊身練功衣,白色或粉紅色絲襪和芭蕾舞鞋。

Ee ? ? ? when i used to vault like leotard , and dance on a rope like blondin 總而言之,再也沒有比這位紳士更不愛與人交往的了。

Hell , if i had an ass like that i ' d wear a leotard 該死,如果我有個像那樣的屁股的話一定會穿一條緊身連衣褲。

With such a face . . . i put her in leotards and there she is 渴望的眼神. . .我給他穿上緊身連衣褲,就這樣

With such a face . i put her in leotards and there she is 渴望的眼神.我給他穿上緊身連衣褲,就這樣

Where will i get the gym leotards , though 我到哪兒去買緊身運動衣呢?