
leonora n.利奧諾拉〔女子名, Eleanor 的異體〕。


It ' s front - row seating for everyone aboard lund ' s 50 - person boat , the leonora , with eye - popping views of some spectacular orca behavior 在朗德這艘五十人座的船雷歐諾拉號上,每個人彷佛都坐進了第一排特區,有最好的視野,得以飽覽虎鯨令人嘆為觀止的表演活動。

During my last day out on the leonora , we came across three dutchmen whale watching from their own rib and serenading the orcas 我最后一天搭乘雷歐諾拉號出海時,遇見三個荷蘭人,他們在自己的橡皮艇上賞鯨,還對著虎鯨唱情歌。

When the leonora arrives on the scene , lund and our rib driver start whistling to the whales 雷歐諾拉號來到現場時,朗德和我們的橡皮艇駕駛開始對那些鯨魚吹口哨。

Besides , i couldn ' t sing with a strange leonora 而且我也不和陌生的演員合作