
leonid n.(pl. Leonids, Leonides ) 【...


Although the radiant of the leonids is close to the star adhafera zeta leonis , do not look directly at it . a distance between 40 to 60 degrees away from the radiant is optimal 雖然獅子座流星雨輻射點在軒轅十一附近,流星不一定出現在輻射點附近的天區,反而出現在輻射點40至60度以外的機會更大

Most of the meteoroids of the leonid meteor stream concentrate in an elongated thin ribbon - like region . the stream orbits around the sun in an elliptical orbit with a period of about 33 years 獅子座流星群聚集于一條狹長的區域內,以極為橢圓形的軌道環繞太陽運行,周期約為

The last major leonid shower occurred in 1966 , when stargazers counted as many as 150 , 000 meteors per hour . astronomers expect another such shower in 2099 最近一次規模較大的獅子座流星雨發生在1966年,在那次的流星雨中,據觀測者統計流量達到了每小時15萬顆。

According to the preliminary result of international meteor organization , the highest rate of leonids was only slightly above 30 , which is the level of an ordinary year 國際流星組織的初步結果顯示,流星出現率最高只有每小時三十多顆,屬于平常年分的水平。

It is not absolutely necessary to head for a dark place to observe the leonids . any place having an unblocked view of the east is fine 要觀測流星雨不一定要遠離市區,若在居所附近例如花園平臺能找到一處天空視野范圍廣闊的地點也是上選。

In 1979 , president carter and soviet president leonid i . brezhnev signed the salt two strategic arms limitation treaty in vienna 1979年,美國總統卡特和蘇聯總統勃列日涅夫在維也納的二次限制戰略武器會談上簽署了戰略武器限制條約。

Osama bin laden says george bush , by prolonging the war in iraq , is repeating the errors of leonid brezhnev ' s soviet union in afghanistan 本拉登說,布什總統拖延在伊拉克的戰爭是在重蹈勃列日涅夫時期蘇聯在阿富汗所犯下的錯誤。

Ukraine president leonid kuchma gave the shutdown order from kiev over a video linkup with the plant , located some 85 miles away 連接,聯系烏克蘭總統庫吉馬通過電視下達指令關閉了切爾諾貝利核電站。未成熟的,太早的。

The leonid meteor shower this year was a unspectacular one . the maxima at dawn on 20th november did not happened as predicted 今年的獅子座流星雨,可謂平淡無奇,早前預計會在11月20日凌晨出現的高峰期并沒有如期出現。

Ukraine president leonid kuchma gave the shutdown order from kiev over a video linkup with the plant , located some 85 miles away 連接,聯系;烏克蘭總統庫吉馬通過電視下達指令關閉了切爾諾貝利核電站。

Those who want to perform scientific record of leonids should keep the watchful eyes on the sky 1 to 2 days before and after the predicted maxima 有志進行科學記錄的朋友應于極大期前后1至2天均作觀測

People in hong kong and other countries should be impressed by the leonid meteor shower occurred in 19th november , 2001 今年11月19日凌晨的獅子座流星雨,令香港及其它國家的市民留下了難忘的印象。

However , the 1966 leonids meteor shower was a spectacular historic event that produced hundreds of thousands of meteor every hour 然而, 1966年的獅子座流星雨每小時產生的成千上萬顆流星。

Interested observers may consider observing the leonid meteor shower a few days before and after the predicted peak activity 有興趣的人仕亦可考慮在預計高峰期的前后數天進行觀測。

The meteors are called leonids because they appear to come from the direction of the constellation leo 這些流星之所以被命名為“獅子座流星“ ,是因為它們是從獅子星座的方向飛來的。

The leonid meteor shower happens every year in mid - november and it is very easy to observed with the naked eye 獅子座流星雨于每年的11月中旬降臨,裸眼就可以非常容易地觀察到。

The public have been impressed by the 2001 leonids display and many of them are longing for its reoccurrence 2001年的獅子座流星雨令人眼前一亮,不少朋友都希望能夠再度回味。

Interested observers may consider observing the leonid meteor shower a few days around the predicted peak activity 有興趣的人士可考慮在預計高峰期的前后數天進行觀測。

Since then , such an impressive leonids shower didn ' t happen until 1998 , which was 32 years later 之后的32年中如此壯觀的獅子座流星雨再也沒有現身,直到1998年再次出現。