
leone n.利昂〔塞拉利昂貨幣名,等于 100分(cents)〕...


Whilst all this was going on , a senior sierra leone immigration official by the name of musa arrived in hong kong offering to sell similar diplomatic passports 在這一切進行的當兒,一名叫musa的塞拉里昂高級移民官來到香港,表示可以出售類似的外交護照。

A principal immigration officer of sierra leone was sentenced to three years imprisonment for attempting to sell three diplomatic passports for us 540 , 000 一名塞拉利昂政府首席移民官,意圖以五十四萬美元售賣三本外交護照,被判入獄三年。

Sheva s slalom against bari , reminiscant of re leone s caost to coast against verona a few years earlier . pure class ! ! ! 舍瓦在對巴里一戰中橫空出世,奔襲過人,打進精彩一球,簡直就是幾年前維阿對維羅納那個進球的翻版。核彈頭威力無窮! !

The urgency of the challenge faced today is illustrated by the contrasting prospects of baby girls born at the same moment in japan and sierra leone 通過對在日本和塞拉利昂同期出生的女嬰的期望壽命對比可以看出我們所面臨的挑戰。

The sierra leone international , formerly of inter milan and reggina , has emerged as a target for juventus coach didier deschamps 這位塞拉里昂國腳,前國際米蘭和雷吉納球員,作為尤文圖斯主教練德尚目標的事實目前已經浮出水面。

For example , it said , freetown , sierra leone , has established farming within the city limits to meet much of its growing food demands 比如,在弗里敦,塞拉利昂,為順應食品需求不斷增長的情況,在城市規定范圍內建立農場。

Being the largest helicopter , the russian - made mi - 26 is the workhorse for the united nations peacekeeping operation in sierra leone 俄制mi - 26直升機是目前最大型的直升機,負責支援聯合國在非洲塞拉利昂的維持和平任務。

Tony blair has not been afraid to take advantage of her success , by deploying british power in sierra leone , the balkans and iraq 托尼?布萊爾并不懼怕利用她的成功,他將英國部隊部署到了塞拉利昂,巴爾干半島和伊拉克。

In 1991 , he joined up with a sierra leonean rebel group , the revolutionary united front , and oversaw the invasion of sierra leone 1991年,泰勒先生聯手了塞拉利昂的叛軍組織革命聯合陣線,并親自指揮了塞拉利昂侵略戰。

For example , it says freetown , sierra leone , has established farming within the city limits to meet much of its growing food demands 例如弗里敦和塞拉利昂已經在城市范圍內制定農事,以滿足正在增長的食物需求。

Between 50 , 000 and 200 , 000 were killed and more than a third of sierra leone ' s 6m people forced to flee 據統計,大約有5萬到20萬的人在暴亂中死去,而塞拉利昂6百萬人中有三分之一的人被迫背井離鄉。

On mr annan ' s watch the un also contributed to peace efforts in congo , sierra leone , liberia and elsewhere 在安南的領導下,聯合國對維持剛果,塞拉利昂,利比里亞等國家的和平起了舉足輕重的作用。

Between 50 , 000 and 200 , 000 were killed and more than a third of sierra leone ' s 6m people forced to flee 據統計,大約有5萬到20萬的人在* *中死去,而塞拉利昂6百萬人中有三分之一的人被迫背井離鄉。

To tony blair , africa is somewhere which needs healing or saving , and sierra leone gets a lot of british aid 對托尼布萊爾而言,非洲是個需要醫治或拯救的地方,從而塞阿里昂得到許多英國的援助。

The us is calling on nigeria to hand over mr taylor to a united nations - backed tribunal in sierra leone 尼日利亞政府稱,他們并不會引渡泰勒。泰勒在這周之前已經接受了流亡的建議。

The bottom ten countries are all african countries , with sierra leone ( in west africa ) at the bottom of the list 處于末端的十個國家均是非洲國家,塞拉利昂(西非)排在最后。

Sierra leone is located in western africa bordering the north atlantic ocean between guinea and liberia 塞拉利昂位于西非,在新幾內亞與利比里亞之間,面對著北大西洋。

And somewhere like sierra leone , fresh out of war - they think it ' s ripe for trade and investment 并且他們認為象塞阿里昂這樣剛擺脫戰爭的國家,適宜貿易和投資。

Set against the backdrop of the chaos and civil war that enveloped 1990s sierra leone , “ bl . . 四段發生在摩洛哥墨西哥和日本的故事,因為一粒子彈而連上了脈搏。