
leonard n.倫納德〔姓氏,男子名〕。


Leonard marks is the producer 倫納德.馬克思是制片人

All of this makes leonard maltin , a film critic , ask a question 這都讓影評人倫納德?莫丁產生了一個問題。

Hi , leonard . - come on , martin 嗨,倫納德別這樣,馬丁

Leonard and church on thursday , bang , we got our garbage man 周四萊昂納得和區旗的交匯處沒錯,就是他了

Leonard : you ' re supposed to be my dog 你應該是我的小狗

So i go in and i talk to leonard . because he always talking about , 所以我進去和萊昂納德談,因為他總是說

The key to your part , leonard , is you ' re in love , got it 進入角色的關鍵,倫納德就是你正在戀愛,明白嗎

Leonard , i live with it too 雷納德,我也和它住在一起。

- soyou know what i ' m talking about ? - leonard clark , no -你知道我在說什么? -萊昂納多?克拉克,不是么?

Where leonard and his mom just happen to be going as we speak 也恰好是leonard和他媽媽正在開向的地方

Soyou know what i ' m talking about ? - leonard clark , no 你知道我在說什么? -萊昂納多?克拉克,不是么?

Leonard , i think to make Leonard ,我想讓某個人的夢想成真

Peter mann : leonard , have you ever seen anything like this before 雷納德,你原來看過像這樣的東西嗎?

Rex okay , leonard . box him in 好的,萊昂納多,把他夾起來

What is the lpi ? the leonard personality inventory was designed by 列奈性格清單是列奈楊博士所設計的。

Sounds like that stupid song leonard always used to sing 聽起來象leonard總愛唱的那首又老又蠢的歌

Leonard ' s dead ! pick up the phone 萊昂納多死了!接電話!

[ rex ] okay , leonard . box him in 好的,萊昂納多,把他夾起來

No . i ' m the sorry one , leonard 不.我應該向你道歉, leonard