
leona n.利昂娜〔女子名〕。


Leona : ah … mom , ah , dad … ( cautiously ) i … how would you feel about just having one cub 媽媽,爸爸,我…你們覺得只有一個孩子怎么樣?

Lionel : leona , this story is definitely not for cubs your age . it ' s not age appropriate 這個故事絕對不是給你這個年齡的孩子聽的。

Leona : yes , i know . but the sign does not say , ( yells ) do not peek , exclamation point 是的,我知道。但是標記沒說不準偷看,嘆號!

Leona : we want you to send fan mail into the book for the little brown mouse to read 我們想讓你把鼠迷的郵件送到書里交給小棕鼠。

Leona : did you see where it was sent from ? do you remember who sent it 利昂娜:妮看到信是哪兒寄來的嗎?你記得是誰的寄嗎

Leona : huh ! look ! a strange sight ! a sleeping lion cub , with antlers 啊!看!多奇怪!一只熟睡的獅子,頭上長了鹿角。

Leona : he needs magic words 他需要魔術咒語!

Leona : again ? oh ! i knew they should ' ve gotten a girl for this job 又一次?天啊!我認為應該讓小女孩做這項工作。

Leona : if you say so 利昂娜:既然你都這么說了

Leona : could be a small pony 可能是只小小馬。

Queen leona : how beautiful . what is it made of ? how far away is it 多美啊。月亮是用什么做的呢?它離這有多遠呢?

Leona : hey , i can read that ! i can read that ! hopping … hen … here 嘿,我可以讀那個! “母雞可以在這兒單腳跳” 。

Leona : no ! that was not about a queen , lionel ! that was about you 不對!這個故事寫的不是皇后,而是你自己。

Leona : ooh , read it please ! i want my brain to go “ yyyyeeiieeaayyy 噢,請讀一下,我想使我的思想漫無邊際。

Leona : okay dad , i ' m ready 好了,爸爸,我準備好了。

Leona : oh ! now i ' ll never know if there was a pony in the box 那我永遠也不會知道盒子里裝的是不是只小馬!

- good to see you again . - leona . so nice to see you , leona -很高興再見到你-利昂娜,很高興見到你,利昂娜

Leona : i saw jenny king , the girl i ' m over here looking for 利昂娜:我看到詹妮了,我來這里尋找的那個女孩

Good to see you again . - leona . so nice to see you , leona 很高興再見到你-利昂娜,很高興見到你,利昂娜