
leo 【物理學】 =1. low enrichment ord...

leo minor

This year , she is the vice - president of leo club of lion rock 這都是她在成長中的寶貴經驗。

Leo hurwicz was born in russia in nineteen seventeen 萊昂尼德?赫維奇于1917年出生于俄羅斯。

Leo s latest album , one bonus dvd 愛你愛是永恒我的驕傲愛是最? .

The nobel prize in physics 1973 : leo esaki 諾貝爾物理學獎-江崎玲于奈

Leo : i really don ' t know where it is 里歐:我真的不知道你放在那里。

Leo : i hope not . thank you , harriet 里歐:希望不會。謝謝你,哈瑞特。

Leo : don ' t worry , blake . have i ever let you down 李歐:別擔心,布雷克。我讓你失望過嗎?

Klook klook klook . then comes good uncle leo 喀嚕呵,喀嚕呵,喀嚕呵。

But leo learn ed that clark had overslept 但里歐后來發現他是睡過頭。

Leo : i can put you both on the same floor 利奧:我可以把你們兩人的房間安排在同一個樓層。

Leo : i also work for five star tours 利奧:我同時也為五星旅游公司工作。

Leo : i guess his lies weren ' t that bad 里歐:我想他的謊話沒那麼惡劣啦。

The nobel prize in physics 1975 : leo james rainwater 諾貝爾物理學獎-利奧詹姆斯萊茵沃特

Frequency offset estimation for ofdm systems on leo satellite channel 系統頻偏估計算法

Everybody called him leo and i never knew why 大家都叫他里奧,我也不知道這稱呼的由來

Professor leo lau , chairman , department of physics 物理系系主任劉煥明教授

Leo : i know all the best tours in the city 利奧:我知道這個城市中所有最好的旅游路線。

Honey , i wanna go home . can you call leo . 親愛的我想回家.你可以叫里歐.

Leo : i guess his lies weren ' t that bad 里歐:我想他的謊話沒那麼惡劣啦。