
lenticular adj.1.雙凸透鏡狀的。2.透鏡的。3.(眼球的)晶(...


Many academicians researched their formation and accumulation mechanism and put forward manifold mechanisms , including the special mechanism of minority liquid molecular controlling the accumulation of lens reservoir by unknown gravitation , difference between liquid pressure compelling hydrocarbon to accumulate firstly in the lens reservoir , along cranny in the case of hydrocarbon replacing pore water in the lenticular body under capillary pressure , difference breakthrough employing hydrocarbon entering lens reservoir and so on 國內外學者提出了多種成藏機制,包括未知重力運動機制作用下,少數流體分子的個別特性控制透鏡狀砂巖油藏聚集;毛細管力作用下油氣替換透鏡體中的孔隙水;烴濃度差是油氣向砂體運移的主要動力;流體壓力差使油氣首先沿著裂隙向砂巖透鏡體中運移、聚集而成藏;差異突破作用使砂巖透鏡體成藏等。

Mountain wave cloud also known as lenticular cloud , i . e . lens shaped was observed on the hilltop of lantau on 12 august 2003 . the picture was taken at around 2 : 20 p . m . that afternoon at the hong kong international airport looking south - southeast towards lantau with a setting of 1 160s , f8 . 0 and iso - 100 speed . at the time winds were light to moderate southerly , with showers just passing over lantau an hour earlier 相片顯示大嶼山的山頂正蓋著一層波狀云也稱為莢狀云,因其形狀如豆莢照片是在二零零三年八月十二日下午二時二十分左右拍攝,地點在香港國際機場朝著東南偏東的方向,用度菲林快門為1 160秒和光圈f8 . 0 。

Bar displays and pub signs that hankscraft / ajs creates will drive your sales through the roof , from a traditional wood pub sign to a high - end back lit acrylic sign for upscale locations , we can make them all , including bottle glorifier , countdown units , table tents displays , back bar displays , neon clocks , plasma bottles , lenticular and so on 漢科五角所生產的產品將幫助促進您的銷售,從傳統的木房子啤酒屋跨進現代高檔次酒吧的行列,同時我們還制造一些諸如發光瓶、倒計時牌、桌面展示器、吧臺展品、霓虹鐘、光柵板等增進趣味。

Analysis of petroleum geology , reservoir types and distribution in lujiapu depression indicates that : the forming and distribution of reservoirs had been controlled by source area , source - reservoir relationship , petrophysical characteristics , sedimentary facies and secondary structure , and oil is most abundant in reservoirs around hydrocarbon kitchen ; the upper member of jiufutang formation which was entrained or embedded in the main oil source layer has well developed reservoir and good petrophysical property and is the principle oil - bearing interval ; the mid - fan and fan delta front of nearshore submarine fan is the most favorite facies ; the steep slope of the depression mainly consists of structural reservoirs , the slope belt mainly consists of structural - lithologic and updip pinchout reservoirs , the depressed belt mainly consists of lenticular lithologic reservoirs 摘要對陸家堡凹陷油藏形成的石油地質條件、已知油藏類型及分布的分析認為:生油區、生儲配置關系、儲集物性、沉積相帶和二級構造帶控制了油藏的形成和展布,其中圍繞生油洼陷的油藏含油最豐富;夾持或嵌入主要生油層中,儲層發育、儲集物性又相對較好的九佛堂組上段是主要含油層段;近岸水下扇的扇中和扇三角洲前緣是最有利的相帶:凹陷的陡坡帶以構造油藏為主,斜坡帶以構造巖性及儲層上傾尖滅油藏為主,深陷帶主要為透鏡狀巖性油藏。

However , in this case , it was a little unusual that lenticular clouds were observed on a summer day . it is believed that a weak stable layer ( an inversion in weathermen s terminology ) at around the hilltop level might have contributed to the cloud formation 如果我們將圖中ab線作一垂直切面,便可清楚見到風力隨高度的轉變(圖20 ) ,即較強烈但淺薄的偏西氣流集中在地面附近,而在上空的風則較弱。

I took the first photograph below at 10 a . m . , 8 february 2006 near the observatory s headquarters in tsim sha tsui , showing clouds over kowloon which resemble a pair of flying saucers . these clouds are called “ lenticular clouds “ 以下第一張相片是我在2006年2月8日早上10時在尖沙嘴天文臺總部附近拍攝,可見九上空出現兩團類似飛碟的云,我們稱這種云為莢狀云。

The dark - gray traction current deposits belong to internal - tide deposits , it develops sandstones and siltsands , and charactered with lenticular , wave , flaser bedding , bimodal cross - bedding and ripple mark 深水牽引流沉積為內潮汐沉積類型,巖性為細砂巖、粉砂巖,以發育透鏡狀、波狀、脈狀層理、雙向交錯層理、波痕等沉積構造為特征。

Since lenticular clouds look like one or more convex lens , they could sometimes be misinterpreted as flying saucers or unidentified flying objects , and so they are commonly known as “ flying saucer clouds “ 由于這類莢狀云形狀像一塊或多塊凸透鏡,有時候被誤會為飛碟或不明飛行物體,所以亦俗稱飛碟云。

This paper addresses the use and characteristic of capillary pressure curve , and discusses the relationship between stage filling mechanism of lenticular sand body and pore throat structure 從毛管壓力曲線用途及曲線方法本身特點出發,對透鏡狀砂巖體階段式充注機理以及與孔喉結構的關系進行詳細探討。

Lenticular clouds are evident of wave motions in the airflow over and to the lee of mountains , where moisture in the air condenses into water droplets as a result of the upward motions 當氣流攀山時,空氣內的水分會凝結成云。莢狀云是印證氣流在經過山時或在山背地方出現波浪似的運動。

The foundation are formed by the inter - layer of fine and crude earth , in the different level of the layer , are distributed lenticular sand , which result in the poor uniformity 由粗、細粒土相互迭置成層,層內不同高程上有透鏡狀砂層分布,均一性較差,地基可能出現不均一沉陷變形。

This major natural phenomenon is named “ coral reef lenticular freshwater ” , and its discovery has opened up a new field of water resource utilization 這一重大自然現象,被命名為“珊瑚島礁淡水透鏡體” ,開辟了水資源利用的新領域。

However , in this case , it was a little unusual that lenticular clouds were observed on a summer day 在清涼季節,空氣比較穩定,莢狀云較為常見,在夏天出現的機會不大。

After over 10 years ' arduous efforts , they finally discovered “ coral reef lenticular freshwater ” 歷經10多年的艱苦努力,終于發現了“珊瑚島礁淡水透鏡體” 。

Technical requirements for programming development plan of lenticular sandstone gas field 透鏡狀砂巖氣田開發方案氣藏工程設計編制技術要求

Effect of liquefaction of lenticular saturated sand zone on seismic response of buildings 飽和砂土透鏡體液化對建筑物地震反應的影響

The orebody appears in bedded , near - bedded and lenticular shapes 礦體呈層狀、似層狀和透鏡狀。

Simulation of lenticular stereoscopic lcd 透鏡式立體液晶顯示的模擬仿真

In the ostra field, venezuela, oil is produced from lenticular sandstone beds of the oligocene oficina formation . 委內瑞拉奧斯特拉油田的產油層,為漸新世奧菲西那組透鏡狀砂巖層。