
lens n.(pl. lenses)1.透鏡;一組透鏡。2.【解...

lens louse

The question was open as to what shape of lens would so focus in the coming rays . 什么形狀的透鏡能起這樣的聚焦作用,還是一個沒有解決的問題。

Some of the advantages of lens stereoscopes are compactness, simplicity and ready portability . 透鏡式立體鏡的一些優點是堅固、簡單、輕便。

Objectives which consist only of one lens can be used for visual and photographic observations . 由單透鏡組成的物鏡可作目視和照相觀測用。

Even poor lenses and uncritical eyes can always seen something on the moon . 縱然用劣質透鏡和沒有鑒別力的眼睛也總能在月球上看到一些東西。

Imagine that we have some sort of lens system which forms an image of an extended object . 設想我們有某種透鏡系統,它對一個擴展物體成象。

Every lens has a mounting flange with which it is attached to the camera body . 每個透鏡都有一個安裝凸緣,依靠它才能把透鏡安裝到相機上。

This approach has been used to advantage in the design of a number of photographic lenses . 這種方法成功地應用在一些照相鏡頭的設計中。

These simple lenses far surpassed the best microscopes anywhere else in the world ! 這些簡單的透鏡勝過世界上任何地方最精良的顯微鏡。

One case of particular importance corresponds d=o, i.e. the two lenses are in contact . 一個特別重要的情況是do,即兩個透鏡相接觸。

Although warped by compaction, there is only slight folding of the sandstone lenses . 雖然由于壓實作用而彎曲,但砂巖體褶皺很輕微。

It's an easy matter to observe chromatic aberrations, with a thick, simple converging lens . 用一厚的簡單會聚透鏡很容易觀察色差。

Lens stereoscopes are practical for field use or for observing magnified details . 透鏡式立體鏡適合于野外使用或者觀察放大的細節。

When shown through a special lens the distorted picture spreads out again . 當通過一個特殊鏡頭放映時,受到畸變的圖象又重新展開。

In this same way we could compute the response of any number of thin lenses . 用同樣的方法,我們能夠求出任意數目的薄透鏡的響應。

The ciliary body is an anterior dilation of the choroid at the level of the lens . 晶狀體是脈絡膜石晶狀體平面上向前擴大的部分。

In the diagram, the outer portions of the projecting lens serve no useful purpose . 在圖上,放映透鏡較外側部分未能加以利用。

The cells of this epithelium exhibit many interdigitations with the lens fibers . 這種上皮細胞同晶狀體纖維呈現許多相嵌連接。

The focal length of the camera lens plays an important role in photo criteria . 攝影機鏡頭的焦距在攝影規范中起著重要的作用。

These lenses are therefore suitable when using the mercury green band . 所以,當采用水銀燈的綠色光帶時,此種透鏡是適用的。