
leno n.【紡織;印染】1.紗羅織法〔經紗雙股扭織〕。2.紗羅...


The “ terminator ” actor and a moderate 56 - year - old republican , arnold schwarzenegger ended weeks of speculation , and made the announcement while being taped for an episode of “ the tonight show with jay leno ” 外表溫和、穩健的共和黨人, “終結者”表演者,阿諾-施瓦辛格,經過長達一周的考慮,終于在接受“今晚與杰-雷諾談談”電臺節目采訪時,公布了他要參加加州州長競選的決定。

This paper introduces how to produce fancy leno weave on ordinary weaving machine with modification of the weaving machine before production , technological design of each of processes and key attentions in the production described 摘要介紹了利用普通織機生產紗羅織物的方法,包括生產前織機的改裝、生產過程中各工序的工藝設計和生產中需要注意的要點。

They also were given chips to eat when the television was off . hirsch found people ate an average of 44 per cent more chips while watching letterman and 42 per cent more while viewing leno , than when they did not watch tv 赫爾希博士發現,與不看電視時相比,研究對象在看賴特曼節目時攝入的土豆片量平均多出44 % ,而看雷諾節目時的土豆片攝入量多出42 % 。

“ david ( letterman ) is a fair and decent guy and makes me laugh as much as anyone , “ said ( jay ) leno , who was raked over the coals by another competitor , arsenio hall , when leno took over johnny carson ' s seat last may 勒諾說, “戴維對人公平正直,打趣的功夫不下于任何人。 “去年五月勒諾接替卡森的職位時遭到另一競爭者阿森尼奧?霍爾的嚴厲批評。

Asked which famous man they would invite to dinner , 37 percent picked “ tonight “ host jay leno . bill clinton placed second , trailed by george clooney and president george w . bush 在“最想邀請共進晚餐的著名男士”這一項上, 37 %的人選了“今夜秀”的主持人杰伊?萊諾。比爾?克林頓位居第二,緊隨其后的是喬治?克魯尼和小布什總統。

This machine is used to weave the mesh leno bags of fruit , vegetable , red radish , potatoes , maize . it is a new type mesh circular loom that invented ourself with crossed device , it has better performance than old machine 本機是用于水果蔬菜紅蘿卜土豆玉米等網眼包裝袋的生產。該機是新型網眼袋機,

Hirsch found people ate an average of 44 per cent more chips while watching letterman and 42 per cent more while viewing leno , than when they did not watch tv 赫爾希博士發現,與不看電視時相比,研究對象在看賴特曼節目時攝入的土豆片量平均多出44 % ,而看雷諾節目時的土豆片攝入量多出42 % 。

Schwarzenegger , 56 , announced his decision during a taping of the television talk show with jay leno , calling it one of the toughest decisions he ' s made 現年56歲的施瓦辛格是在著名談話節目主持人杰伊.萊諾的節目中宣布上述消息的,并表示這個決定是他一生中所作的最為艱難的決定之一。

Forty - five volunteers ate as many chips as they wanted during five - minute intervals while they watched monologues by late - night talk show hosts david letterman and jay leno 45名志愿者在觀看午夜脫口秀主持人大衛?賴特曼和杰?雷諾的節目時,在中間五分鐘的休息時段大嚼土豆片。

Forty - five volunteers ate as many chips as they wanted during five - minute intervals while they watched monologues by late - night talk show hosts david letterman and jay leno 45名志愿者在觀看大衛?賴特曼和杰?雷諾主持的午夜脫口秀節目時,在中間五分鐘的休息時段大嚼土豆片。

Forty - five volunteers ate as many chips as they wanted during five - minute intervals while they watched monologues by late - night talk show hosts david letterman and jay leno 45名志愿者在觀看大衛賴特曼和杰雷諾主持的午夜脫口秀節目時,在中間五分鐘的休息時段大嚼土豆片。

Schwarzenegger , 56 , announced his decision during a taping of the television talk show with jay leno , calling it one of the toughest decisions he ' s made 萊諾的節目中宣布上述消息的,并表示這個決定是他一生中所作的最為艱難的決定之一。

Nbc ' s the tonight show with jay leno pokes fun at the candidates with the u . s . presidential election approaching 美國總統大選日益逼近,全美廣播公司“今晚秀“節目主持人杰?連奴如此調侃總統候選人

Jay leno : ( on tv ) . . . now what is this about you - you being arrested i - in london ? what is that all about (電視中) . . .現在,說到這件事,你在倫敦被捕了,到底是因為什么原因?

Nbc ' s “ the tonight show with jay leno “ pokes fun at the defense secretary on may 13 美國國家廣播公司“今晚秀“主持人杰?連奴在13日晚間節目中如此調侃國防部部長拉姆斯菲爾德

Our main products are : fiberglass plain weave fly screen , fiberglass leno weave fly screen , pvc fly screen 主要產品有:玻璃纖維平織窗紗,玻璃纖維涂塑窗紗, pvc窗紗。

Jay leno : ( on tv ) alright , so now you ' re doing this whole book tour thing , how is that going (電視中)好的,那么你現在正在四處對新書進行宣傳,都有什么計劃嗎?

When carter died in 1904 alter an accident , leno pined and died in london six months later 卡特在一次車禍后于1904年去世,麗諾日漸憔悴, 6個月后在倫敦逝世。

Blankets suitable for use in the public sector - specification for cotton leno cellular blankets 公共部門用毯子.第2部分:紗羅多孔棉毯規范