
leningrad n.列寧格勒〔前蘇聯大城市,1991年后改名為 St. ...


First , the soviet army halted the nazi advance outside moscow . then , over the next three years , not only did they hold the enemy in check but were able to drive it back , back into its own lair . the battles of moscow and stalingrad , the courage of besieged leningrad and the successes at kursk and on the dnieper decided the outcome of world war ii 最近,卡西亞諾夫總理訪華并舉行中俄總理第八次定期會晤;兩國總理定期會晤委員會和中俄教文衛體合作委員會分別舉行第七次和第四次會議;兩國文化、教育、衛生等部門領導人陸續在北京召開會議,這些高層交往將為中俄各領域合作注入新的活力。

The world ' s largest art gallery is the winter palace and the neighboring hermitage in leningrad u . s . s . r . one has to walk fifteen miles to visit each of the 322 galleries which house nearly 3 million works of art and archaeological remains 世界上最大的美術館是蘇聯列寧格勒的冬宮及與其毗連的愛爾米塔什博物館。那里的322個畫廊中收藏有近300萬件藝術品和文物,參觀全部畫廊要走15英里。

The father heard that his son was coming back , and then comes the moment when the two connect , embracing each other . that moment was captured so beautifully in christian art by rembrandt and it hangs in the hermitage museum in leningrad , russia 這句話真的很可怕,那次戰爭就在那橋上發生,我的朋友在那兒被炸死,我亦在那兒發出最終的求問:神,為甚么會這樣?

Using the program , we finish the calculation of free and force vibrations of the shafting of “ “ fishing ship . the result is compared with that provided by russian university of leningrad 用計算結果數據做校核計算,并與俄羅斯列寧格勒大學提供的計算說明書進行比較,得出結論。

In 1924 , the russian city of st . petersburg was renamed leningrad in honor of the late revolutionary leader ( however , it has since been re - named st . petersburg ) 1924年的今天,俄國城市圣.彼得堡被重命名為列寧格勒,這一舉動是為了紀念他們的已故的革命領袖,但后來又把名稱改回來了

In 1970 he graduated from v . mukhina higher school of arts and crafts in leningrad now st . petersburg , taking his diploma in the department of pottery and glassware 1970年他畢業于位于列寧格勒現圣彼得堡的v穆希娜高工藝美術大學,獲得了陶器與玻璃器皿專業的畢業證書。

President bush and his wife laura went straight to the monument honoring the world war two defenders of leningrad , the wartime name for st . petersburg 布什總統和夫人勞拉抵達后直接前往紀念二戰期間列寧格勒保衛戰犧牲者的紀念碑。圣彼得堡在二戰期間名為列寧格勒。

In fact , hitler ' s “ blitz “ carried him so far , to the very gate of leningrad by september , a city he was never to seize 事實上希特勒所進行的“閃電戰”曾( … … )深入蘇境,九月份已直通列寧格勒?一座他始終未能攻陷的城市。

In the soviet union , politburo member sergei kirov is shot dead at the communist party headquarters in leningrad by leonid nikolayev 1934年,蘇聯*政治局成員瑟鳩?基洛夫在列寧格勒的*指揮部被列奧尼德?尼寇拉耶夫槍殺。

Gao xinmin , graduated from the department of electro - mechanics of leningrad kalinin college of former soviet union , and received m . s . degree 高新民,畢業于原蘇聯列寧格勒加里寧工業院電機系,獲碩士學位。

In the north , the red army broke the three - year siege of leningrad with a surprise attack on january 15 , 1944 在北方, 1944年1月15日,紅軍發起突然襲擊,解除了列寧格勒長達3年之久的圍困。

The world ' s largest art gallery is the winter palace and the neighboring hermitage in leningrad , u . s . s . r 世界上最大的美術館是蘇聯列寧格勒的冬宮及與其毗連的愛爾米塔什博物館。

In 1943 , during world war two , the soviets announced they ' d broken the long nazi siege of leningrad 1943年,蘇聯宣布他們已經粉碎了納粹德國對列寧格勒大規模的長期圍攻

Symphony no . 7 in c major , op . 60 leningrad vladimir ashkenazy , conductor piano date saturday september 3 , 2005 肖斯塔科維奇c大調第七交響曲, “列寧格勒”作品60

As the battle of leningrad dragged on into winter , the city ' s situation became desperate 列寧格勒保衛戰一直持續到冬季,此時該市的處境變得危急。

During the last three years in leningrad , a few caucasians were brought from daghestan 在列寧格勒的最后三年里,一些高加索被從達吉斯坦運來。

Within two weeks , the heroic survivors of leningrad saw their invaders depart 列寧格勒那些英勇無畏的幸存者看著入侵者在兩個星期內全部撤離。

The mammoth has now been restored in the palaeontological museum in leningrad 這頭長毛象已被修復,現存于圣彼得堡古生物學博物館。

Many of them remained in besieged leningrad , and my father fought and was wounded 3個多月后,兩國政府首腦將舉行第八次定期會晤。