
lenient adj.1.寬大的,寬厚的,憐憫的。2.〔古語〕減輕痛苦...


Compared to social workers , police officers had more traditional gender - role attitudes . police officers were also more lenient in defining husbands behaviors toward their wives as abusive 比對社會工作者,警務人員對性別角色有較傳統的態度;于介定丈夫向妻子作出的行為是否屬于虐妻,亦采取較寬松的定義。

It must move towards the direction of a loose mode that is centered on paying back , and with lenient regulation - making . thus the insurance industry can be promoted healthily 總之,我國保險監管體制要適應我國國情,向以償付能力為中心的松散模式過渡,實現立法寬松化,支持保險業健康發展。

Being clear about love and enmity at another level simply means , “ to repay kindness with kindness , and to repay enmity with justice . “ it does not mean to be lenient with people no matter what 再進一層說,明恩怨,在原則上是要以德報德;以直報怨,并不是做沒原則的濫好人或鄉愿。

In many respects , this is just the old rule of avoiding coupling by minimizing dependencies and being lenient with values you accept and strict with values you provide 在許多方面,這只是通過使依賴性最小化、寬容對待您所接受的值并嚴格對待您所提供的值來避免耦合的舊規則。

But in other points , as well as this , i was growing very lenient to my master : i was forgetting all his faults , for which i had once kept a sharp look - out 但是在其他方面,如同在這方面一樣,我對我主人漸漸地變得寬容了。我正在忘卻他所有的缺點,而過去我是緊盯不放的。

From that story came the idiom “ open the net on three sides “ . later , people changed it into “ give the wrong - doer a way out . “ , indicating to be lenient to the wrong - doers “網開三面”這個成語就是由此而來的。后來,人們把它改為“網開一面” ,表示寬容地對待做錯事的人。

The lenient sentence passed on the convicted rapist caused such a hue and cry that questions were asked in the house of commons and many people demanded a change in the law 對那個強奸犯的寬大判決引起了強烈的抗議,以致在下院中也提出了質問,許多人要求修改法律。

New iberia has very lenient security regulations , many of her best picks come from new iberia , and she likes travel there , because her brother lives there 新伊比利亞地區對證券的規定比較寬松。她許多最好的采購都是來自此地。她喜歡去那里,因為她的兄弟住在此地。

It couldn ' t be more different now : only about 3 percent polled are opposed to couples living together with a vast majority taking a very lenient attitude 但如今可大不一樣了。調查顯示,僅有約3 %的人反對同居,絕大多數人對此持十分寬容的態度。

I set myself above him , and so i become far inferior to him , for he is lenient to my rudeness , while i nourish a contempt for him 我將我自己凌駕于他之上,因此就變得比他惡劣得多,因為他對我的粗魯行為百般地遷就,而我相反地,一向蔑視他。

American plea - bargaining emerged in nineteenth century . it is that the defendants gain the prosecutor ' s fair lenient treatment by the guilty rejoinder 美國辯訴交易產生于十九世紀,是指被告人通過有罪答辯,換取控訴方的適當寬恕。

I would ask you , dearest , to be very generous with him always , and very lenient on his faults when he is not by “我想求你,我最親愛的,對他永遠要十分地寬厚慷慨,在他不在場的時候,對他的缺點也要非常地寬容。

If the system isn t lenient enough to handle this situation , people may be wrongly denied authentication if they have a stuffy nose 如果系統不足以處理這種情況,則因人們感冒而鼻塞時,就可能被錯誤地拒絕認證。

They told us to pray at home , because in this way , mother earth might be more lenient with us 他們告訴我們在家里祈禱,因為以這種方式,大地母親也許會對我們寬宏大量一點。

I think if people marry it ought to be for life ; the laws are altogether too lenient with them 我認為,人們要是結婚,就應結為終身伴侶;法律對他們(離婚者)太寬大了。

The action we take may be more lenient or more severe than those listed under each category 我們所采取的行動也許比我們條款中所列出的更加寬松,也可能更加嚴格。

In the beginning , it ' s true , i was lenient with him ; after all , he was paying me to listen to him 起初我對他確實十分寬宏大度,不管怎樣他在付錢叫我聽他說。

In view of your age the court has decided to be lenient and impose a fine rather than imprisonment 考慮到你的年齡,法院決定寬大,處以罰款而不是入獄。

Michael : the company may be lenient on valentines day , but it is not worth the risk 邁克爾:在情人節,公司也許會網開一面,但是這不值得我們去冒險。