
lengthy adj.(lengthier; -iest)1.過長的,...


The lengthy data element list includes , but is not limited to , c . o . d 長數據要素列表包括但不限于,貨到付款( c . o

Does your application become unresponsive for fairly lengthy durations 應用程序是否在相當長的時間內變得沒有響應?

Lengthy operations that involve multiple components can raise many events 涉及多個組件的冗長操作會引發許多事件。

All the international schools have lengthy waiting lists for all ages 所有國際學校,每個年級都有長長的候選名單。

Pass phrases should not only be difficult to guess , but quite lengthy 密碼短語不僅應該難于猜出,而且還應該很長。

As for your children , a lengthy spell in a corrective institution is long overdue 你的孩子們早該糾正一下發音了

Director le was generous and answered all of our lengthy questions 十分感激vu le導演詳盡解答了我們的所有問題。

Lengthy negotiations must take place before any agreement can be reached 要進行多次長時間談判才能達成協議。

This could be a lengthy trip 這可能是一次長途旅行

But others refused to calm down even after lengthy soothing 但是有的孩子即使安撫了很長時間仍不會安靜下來。

He was stretchered off after lengthy treatment which held up the match 在長時間的治療后,他被擔架抬下場。

He always write lengthy novels 他的小說總是寫得很長

It was a lengthy speech but he made few substantive points 那是一個冗長的演說但是他整理很少實質的要點。

Lengthy legal fights are expensive 冗長的法律戰十分昂貴。

Appears to be lengthy needle of some sort 好像是長針刺穿的

The cbs has been in a lengthy “ clean house of lefties “ mood Cbs已經成了左派分子“內部清洗”的模式

Pekka herlin passed away on april 4 , 2003 after a lengthy illness 2003年4月4日,沛卡赫林因病去世。

The problem was solved only after several lengthy discussions 那個問題幾經長時間的討論才得以解決

No , one is a lengthy food request 不,有一個是冗長的食物要求