
leica n.【攝影】萊卡照相機〔商標名〕。


Material and methods normal rats of male sd were divided into young , adult , and aging groups . preparation of samples for light microscopy : animals were anesthetized by peritoneal injection of 6 % chloral hydrate ( 0 . 5ml / 100g body weight ) . perfusion and fixation of animals were carried out by a common procedure : 37 normal saline 50 - 100 ml and then 4 % paraformaldehyde pbs 100 - 400ml were perfused through the left ventricle of the heart , the whole procedure was lasted for about somin . the entire brain was dissected out and dipped in the fixative solution for 12h at 4 . brain pieces targeted were choosen and then passed the graded alcohols for dehydration , dipping into paraffin for embeding , and reshaping the pieces 2 )磷酸緩沖液100400m , 30分鐘灌注完畢,取出整腦,在上述固定劑oc )內后固定12小時。切取觀察部位腦塊,然后,進行梯度酒精脫水,浸蠟,包埋,修塊,石蠟連續切片(德國leica石蠟切片機人切片厚度still , zlllll ,蛋自甘油載片撈片, 60c烤箱過夜,二甲苯脫蠟,梯度酒精置換,浸水, h六染色,梯度酒精脫水,二甲苯透明,中性樹脂封片。室溫風干后,顯微鏡觀片, olympus萬能顯微鏡照相。

Since the introduction of the first digital level by leica in 1990 , this type of equipment has rapidly gained acceptance because of its advantage . in many fields such as precision leveling , deformation monitoring and appropriate industrial surveying , digital levels will take the place of optical levels 數字水準儀自1990年誕生以來,憑借其精度高、速度快、操作簡單等優點很快得到了廣大用戶的認可,并逐步應用于高精度水準測量、變形監測、工業測量等多種領域,成為水準測量儀器發展的趨勢。

Dissections and identifications were performed with a leica zoom2000 stereomicroscope , hand - drawing of male genitalia was carried out with olympus pm - 10ad microscope with drawing tube , and external morphological characters figured out under nikon afx - ii stereomicroscope fitted with drawing tube too 所有研究標本均為成蟲針插標本,雄性外生殖器解剖采用常規方法,在leicazoom2000體視顯微鏡下觀察鑒定, olympuspm - 10ad顯微鏡下繪圖,外部形態特征圖在nikonafx -體視顯微鏡下完成。

Going through lee s archive , i was most amused by the interviews in which the director talked about his self - invented film study tool - using a mini leica camera to record film sequences shot - by - shot - in the time when videotapes and dvds were unavailable to film enthusiasts 看檔案里的多篇李晨風專訪,他屢次談及當年看電影時,愛用小型leica攝影機將銀幕上的影片逐個鏡頭快拍下來,那是他學習電影的獨門秘方。那個年代沒有錄影帶或數碼光碟,有心人都要各師各法。

Using scanning electron microscopy , x - ray powder diffractometer , isis energy - dispersive spectroscopy and leica guantitative optical microscopy , the microstructure , composition profiles of cdmnznte ingots were analyzed , a and 3 phases are formed at the tip 采用掃描電鏡、 x射線粉末衍射儀、 isis能譜儀和leica定量金相分析儀研究了cdmninte晶錠中相的結構,形貌和組分分布。

Three leica tca1100 laser total stations are utilized to trace and measure the center of the three reflecting prisms . the coordinates of the three targets could be got by translation and rotation of reference - system . 3 激光測量方法:采用三臺激光全站儀,動態跟蹤并測量饋源艙上三個棱鏡中心點的坐標,并通過坐標變換得到饋源艙的位置與姿態。

Serial paraffin sections were cut with paraffin microtome ( leica ) , thickness of which were 5 y m and 2 n m . mounting the sections on slides with protein and glycerol and then put them in 60 baker overnight Im , ph7 2 )磷酸緩沖液100一400 1 , 30分鐘灌注完畢,取出整腦,在上述固定劑koc )內后固定12小時,切取觀察部位腦塊,將切塊收入0

The consummate processes and high , advanced and top processing technologies as well as never - discolored nature is just the truths that we personnel in leica can lead the trend , advocate the fashion as well as known to the world 產品新穎獨特,造型高貴,永不變色的產品正是我們萊卡公司的宗旨,倡導時尚而蜚升海外的真諦!

At present , four manufacturers , leica , zeiss , topcon , sokkia , introduced different models of digital levels to the surveying market with different measurement principle and code staff 目前徠卡、蔡司、拓普康、索佳四家公司相繼推出了各自的數字水準儀產品,不同廠家的儀器采用了不同的電子讀數原理和標尺編碼結構。

Leica microsystems nussloch is a company operating within many ranges and offers paraffin embedding device , single - deck machines as well as microtomes Leica microsystems nussloch是一家現代化的、可靠的產品供應商,這家供應商從事(顯微)切片機的制造、銷售。請您訪問我們的主頁,垂詢當前的產品系列和服務。

Ernst said , “ leica , schmeica . the camera doesn ' t make a bit of difference . all of them can record what you are seeing . but , you have to see . 伊恩斯特終于忍不住的說:徠卡相機和其他的相機并沒有不同,它們都能夠留下?們所看見的事物,但是,那也要?們要看得見才有用!

She ' s an established black and white shooter , using a leica m6 with a wide angle lens to shoot people unaware of the camera in their natural surroundings 她利用萊卡m6相機的廣角鏡,拍攝黑白模式的照片,捕捉周圍環境中普通人的生活。

The volume fraction , the transverse area and the spacing of the tac fibers are measured with leica quantimet 500 instrument 采用對試樣液淬的方法獲得該種共晶自生復合材料的各種固液界面形態。

A veteran leica street shooter contacted me with complaints about her new digital camera 一位經驗豐富的萊卡街頭攝影師向我抱怨她新買的數碼相機。

This will increase the inherent depth of field just as it does with her leica 這樣可以增加內在景深,就像她用萊卡相機拍攝一樣。

Is that a leica m6 這是萊卡m6嗎

Leica i 35mm camera 徠卡i型35毫米相機

Leica hardware co . , ltd . is an large hardware manufacture enterprise 萊卡五金有限公司是一家大型五金制品生產企業。

Wait . where ' s your leica 等等,你的萊卡相機呢