
leguminous adj.【植物;植物學】1.莢的,有莢的;生豆的。2.豆...


It totally collected 22 leguminous species belonging to 11 genera , and all the species but melilotus alba , vigna sinensis , phaseolus vulgaris , and caragana polourensis were found capable of setting nodules ; of the nodule bearing leguminous species , there were four newly discovered ones , which were melissitus pamiricus , oxytropis bella , oxytropis trichosphaera , and astragalus alopecurus 共采集到11屬22種豆科植物,除菜豆、昆侖錦雞兒、虹豆和白花草木樨等4種豆科植物未見結瘤外,其它豆科植物均能結瘤,其中帕米爾扁蓿豆、美麗棘豆、毛序棘豆、金毛脬萼黃芪等4種為新發現的結瘤豆科植物。

The study was conducted to investigate and collect the rhizobia in pamirs plateau of china : the symbiotic resources with leguminous plants , and analyze the characteristics of their nodules and their resistances to adversities 摘要對帕米爾高原進行了根瘤菌豆科植物共生資源的調查與收集,分析了根瘤的特徵和根瘤菌的抗逆性。

The results show that the resources of leguminous plants are very scarce , and the growth of rhizobium is related to special ecological condition and topographical features 調查結果顯示: ( 1 )本地區豆科植物資源貧乏,但適應性強,大多數都具有抗干旱、耐鹽耐堿特勝。

Bacteroid a modified bacterial cell in a root nodule , typically a cell of the bacterium rhizobium in the root nudule of a leguminous plant ( family fabaceae ) 類細菌:在根瘤中經過修飾的細菌細胞,比較典型的是在豆科植物根瘤中的根瘤菌(蝶形花科) 。

Cassia seed is the seed of leguminous plant thereof , and can be used to relieve hypertension , liver heat and apoplexy , and improve vision etc 決明子為豆科植物決明子的成熟種子,據醫書記載,決明子對高血壓、清肝熱、明目、散頭風等有一定的療效。

The crop has been grown for many years on these soils on the residual nitrogen present in the soil from the native , leguminous vegetation 在這種土壤里已經種植多年高粱了,依靠天然和豆科植物殘存于土壤中的氮養分。

This is a coniferous tree belonging to the leguminous species , and found only in the red sandy earth in central bagg mountain of south africa 是一種純天然不含咖啡因不含防腐劑及不含任何添加物的健康飲品。

Endomitosis occurs regularly in certain tissues , such as the phloem cells of some leguminous plants 核內有絲分裂通常發生在特定組織中,如一些豆科植物的韌皮部細胞。

Cassia seed , the leguminous plant , is the food material which can be used as medicine and food 豆科植物決明子,是藥食兩用的食品原料。

Hardseedness is a naturally occurring phenomenon for many plants , especially leguminous species 摘要硬實是植物中普遍存在的現象。

Leguminous grain feed 豆科谷粒飼料

Bean pod mottle virus - an important virus on soybean and leguminous plants 危害大豆等豆科植物的重要病毒

Soybeans are leguminous plants . 大豆是豆料作物。