
legitimist n.正統王朝擁護者。adj.正統王朝擁護者的。


Almost all the young men and certain individuals with distinguished , aristocratic manners were the marquis de chouard s contribution to the circle , he having kept touch with the legitimist party after making his peace with the empire on his entrance into the council of state 幾乎所有的年輕客人和幾個舉止高雅的人都是舒阿爾侯爵引薦來的,侯爵在歸附并進入行政法院后,與正統派仍然保持著聯系。

For some minutes the conversation was a babel of opinions , in which the divers elements of the circle , whether bonapartist or legitimist or merely worldly and skeptical , appeared to jostle one another simultaneously 在好幾分鐘內,眾說紛紜。客廳內有各種各樣的人物,有的是拿破侖派,有的是正統派,還有的是世俗懷疑派,他們統統混在一起,他們一起講話,各抒己見。

On nobles of non - legitimist family back ground in 17th - century mongolian historians ' writings 論17世紀蒙古史家筆下的異姓貴族