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legion of honour 法國勛級會榮譽軍團〔1802年拿破侖為表彰有功勛者而成立...

legion of merit

The institution that best maintains that honour , the source of emulation , is an institution akin to the legion of honour of the great emperor napoleon , which does not detract from but conduces to the successful working of the government service , and not a class or court privilege “這個維護榮譽維護熱心進取的源泉的制度,是類似偉大的拿破侖皇帝的lgion lhonneur的制度,它不僅無害,而且有助于事業成就,不過它不是階層或宮廷的優越地位和權力。 ”

Bloom in red fez , cadi s dress coat with broad green sash , wearing a false badge of the legion of honour , picks up the card hastily and offers it 約翰,由于你在我們共同的祖先所許下的土地220綠色的愛琳上,給我以對國王的隆重歡迎。