
legate vt.作為遺產讓與,遺贈。 give and legat...


Through other legates or governors , he forced the moors to sue for peace , 35 and crushed the germans36 and the dacians37 and many other tribes , and also the jews , who were in revolt 通過其他使節或長官,他迫使摩爾人求和( 35 ) ,并擊敗了日耳曼人( 36 ) ,達契亞人( 37 )和許多其他的部族,以及猶太人的反叛。

There are de legates from more than twenty countries dicussed an plan and then they hope by might cantain the early spread and any influnce enza append amic pandemic 來自超過20個國家的代表討論一個他們希望能夠扼制早期的擴散和一些全國流行的感冒的計劃。

For lollius urbicus , 32 his legate , overcame the britons33 and built a second wall , one of turf , 34 after driving back the barbarians 他的使節洛厄留斯?烏比庫斯( 32 ) ,打敗了不列顛人( 33 )并建造了第二堵墻,一面是草地( 34 ) ,并驅逐了蠻族。

But it was a legate a latere , who came with a smile on his lips to say from the pope , his holiness requests you to dine with him 而是由教皇派來一個特使,面帶微笑地說:教皇陛下請你去赴宴。

Shall i summon the legion legates 宣軍團來使嗎?

He waged a number of wars , but all of them through his legates 他進行了許多戰爭,但全部都是通過他的使節們。

The priest was appointed the legate by the pope 這位牧師被教皇指定為他的高級使節。