
legality n.1.合法性;法律性。2.守法主義。3.【宗教】墨守律...


The reflection of the legality of euthanasia 安樂死合法性的思考

Environmental legality and sustainable development of tourism 環境法制與中國旅游產業可持續發展

I would question the legality of the government ' s decision 我將提出關于政府決策合法性的問題。

Inner relationship of political legality 關于政治合法性問題的思考

What about the war ' s legality as a matter of u . s . law 那么關于這場戰爭合法性的美國法依據呢?

Credit , a virtue in modern legality society 現代法治社會的一種德性

I question the legality of that contract 我懷疑那份合同的合法性。

They raised a question about the legality of the appointment 他們提出關于委派合法性的問題。

Plight and surpass of legality in college students management 高校學生管理法治化的困境與超越

The legality research of competitive intelligence in grey belt 競爭情報灰色地帶的合法性研究

Legality - does the company trade legally in all aspects 合法性- -是否合法貿易公司在各方面

A talk on administrative supervision in legality 論行政監督的法治化

On lei peihong ' s thoughts and practice on educational legality 雷沛鴻教育法治思想與實踐淺析

The means of legality of criminal judgment 在政治社會學視野中的分析

A philosophical reflection on legality in higher education 對高等教育存在的合法性哲學的反思

On the social value and legality of the authority relationship 列寧社會發展理論的基本特質

The legality of this action will be decided by the courts 這一行動的合法性將由法院裁定。

Influences to legality of governmental acts after china joined wto 對政府行為法治化的影響

A discussion of song jiaoren ' s thoughts of legality 論宋教仁的法制思想