
legalist n.1.墨守法規者,條文主義者;法律學家。2.【宗教】律...


Han fei be first an expert with a comprehensive expression of qin legalist school , his legislation art thought enriches , show belonging to for legislative power mainly in falling apart mainly referring to “ han fei zi “ , legislation opportunity judgement and choice , legislation principle , law is standard express way waiting for aspect , to the present age china legislation can ' t have important drawing lessons extraordinary effect 摘要韓非是先秦法家的集大成者,他的立法藝術思想豐富,主要散見于《韓非子》中,主要表現在立法權的歸屬,立法時機的判斷與選擇,立法原則,法律規范的表達方式等方面,對當代中國立法也有非常重要的借鑒作用。

Shen - jiaben ( 1840 - 1913 ) was a famous legalist of the late qing dynasty , and was the jinshi in guangxu 9 . he has been in xingbu for 30 years from 1864 and was famous on law then and had been the most excellent officer . shen - jiaben accepted order to reform law in 1902 . in the term of reforming law , shen - jiaben ’ s reforming principle was reference and absorb law thought of ancient and today , china and foreign countries , and advocated that absorb good thought of other ’ s law to remedy our law 沈家本受命主持修律期間,從“法律救國”的愿望出發,以“參考古今,博稽中外”的思想為指導,力主取“彼法之善”以補“己法之不善” ,積極組織翻譯西方法律著作,建立法律學堂,聘請外國法學家并在其協助下刪改舊律、制定新律,邁出了中國法律現代化的第一步。

To realize this aim , shen - jiaben organized to translate western law , western law book and law code , setup law school , retained foreign legalist to join the teaching and legislation , reformed old law and made new law , which stroke the first step of modernization of chinese law 本文即是對沈家本主持的晚清法律改革之背景、動機、過程、內容、成果和意義的嘗試性探索,并以之與晚清重臣張之洞的法律改革思想展開比較,試圖較為全面地揭示近代中國法律現代化中沈家本的貢獻和局限。

Legalist school ' s criticism and development of forms and names are discussed based on the analysis of the relation between study of forms and names and school of names 摘要為了辨析刑名之學與名家之關系的基礎上法家對刑名之學的批判繼承的不同方面,采用考古資料與文獻資料相結合、社會史與思想史相結合以及分析對比的方法給以論證。

In order to pursuing non - punishment , the legalist school advocated the policy of executing cruel torture to decrease crime rate , but the confucianist advocated the policy of returning punishment for kindness 摘要對“無刑”的追求,法家主張“以刑去刑”的政策,而儒家主張“以德去刑”的政策。

It can not be negotiated about . since form contract came out . there has being endless debats by therists and legalist about its nature 自格式合同產生和發展以來,各國理論界和司法界對其性質的認識,分歧極大。

The modern value of the theory on human nature between pre - qin confucianism and legalist school 先秦儒家與法家人性學說的當代價值

New view point on the relationship between legalist ' s theory and the downfall of qin dynasty 法家思想與秦王朝滅亡關系新論

Zhu xi and legalist school 朱熹與法家之學

The relation of the legalist school theory and china dynasty legal system are close 摘要法家學說和秦代法制關系密切。

Hanfei was the master of legalist school at the end of the warring period 摘要韓非,戰國末期法家思想的集大成者。

On the legalist ' s theory of human nature amp; leadership in pre - qin days 論先秦法家的人性理論與領導心理思想

On the quality of the legalist and the efficiency of the legal system 論法律家的素質與法律制度的有效性

A preliminary analysis of legalist communication thought in pre - qin period 先秦法家傳播思想述論

On the recessiveness of legalist ideology in the han dynasty 論法家思想在漢代的隱性化