
legalism n.1.墨守法規,條文主義;文牘主義。2.【宗教】信奉律...


Sima tan pointed out that the theories of the various schools of thought and their exponents during the pre - qin period all were aimed to administer a country from different ways , which showed the characteristics of the early han ' s political cultural trend from the theories of the various schools and their basic meanings , among which han fei as the representative of the confluence of taoism and legalism was typical 摘要漢司馬談認為先秦諸子學說“一致而百慮,同歸而殊途” ,皆“務為治者也” ,這既是從漢初當下的多元兼綜的政治文化視角回溯諸子思潮,也道出了戰國諸學派殊分合流、歸本政治的實情,其中韓非所代表的道法家思想理路堪稱典型。

This paper is aimed to solve the problems in product responsibility issues appears after p . r . c entered wto . we first discussed the basic theories of product responsibility , then with methods of correlative theories “ and comparing analysis , we compared and analyzed the product responsibility laws of the major countries of the ocean legalism system and the continent legalism system . finally , we described the present situation of product responsibility laws of our country , presented defects of them and provided suggestions to improve them 在此基礎上,運用相關理論和比較分析的方法,對英美法系和大陸法系主要國家的產品責任法律制度進行了分析,對比各主要國家的產品責任法律制度,闡述我國產品責任法律制度的現狀,找出我國產品責任法存在的缺陷,為完善我國產品責任法律制度提出建議。

The first factor which cao cao successed was that he pursued the way of legalism , furthermore he also accepted the thoughts of logician , military strategist and political strategist , so he could do both severely and relaxedly , and could deal with concrete matters by the spirit of realism , but his ultimate ideal was kingly way and policy of benevolence which confucian favours ; he also obeyed daoism for preserving his health 曹操的成功首先在于他奉行法家之道,兼采名家、兵家、縱橫家思想,寬嚴兼濟,求真務實;而他的終極社會政治理想則在于儒家的王道仁政;在個人養生方面,他還究心于道家的理論與實踐。

The practice of making ritual reflected the confucian scholars ' aspiration to the institutionalization of ritual and music , the historical background of the struggle between the confucianism and the legalism , and the idealist characteristics of the confucian idea 漢儒的“制禮”實踐體現了他們對禮樂“制度化”的追求,折射出了“儒” “法”斗爭的歷史背景,同時也表現出了儒家思想的理想主義特質。

It observes an evolution over the past 34 years of the ec law on anti - dumping from less legalism to a relatively - sound legal system . it also analyses certain procedure aspect of the ec anti - dumping law and the effect on the chinese companies 研究還發現,由于歐盟對中國非市場經濟地位的不客觀做法,致使中國企業很難在歐盟的反傾銷訴訟程序中得到公正對待。

The theory of the confluence of taoism and legalism created by han fei was not only urgent need for the qin politics around the unification period but also useful and helpful for the feudal government for two thousand years 韓非所代表的道法合流學說不僅成為秦統一前后的時需應急之策,也為其后二千年的君道同體、君高于道的主流政治文化開啟了方便之門。

At last , the paper compares confucius ' thought with that of other schools such as legalism and taoism and analyzes briefly the reason why confucius ' thought is the dominant one among the thoughts on archival science in ancient china 最后,將孔子的儒家檔案學思想與法、道諸家作一比較,簡要分析了它主導中國古代檔案學思想的原因。

Around 2 , 200 years ago , han dynasty founder liu bang grudgingly accepted confucianism to legitimize his authority , and then changed it so it better resembled his preferred philosophy , legalism 大約2200年前,漢朝始祖劉邦就曾經勉為其難地接受了儒教來合法化他的權威,后又改之以更好地為他所崇尚的價值觀服務,就是法家學說。

At least we have to consider two historical backgrounds of this movement , the continuously rising status of legalism and the strong trend of anti - tradition since the end of 19th century 作者認為,起碼要注意這場運動的兩個思想史背景:近代以來法家地位的節節上升和“五四”以來強大的反傳統主義。

In view of the characteristics of the partnership , the protection of the creditor , and the requirement of economy , the clear definition of partnership shoule be acknowledged by legalism 鑒于合伙企業自身的性質,合伙債權人保護和經濟發展的需要,法律應當確認普通合伙和有限合伙的合伙形式。

Sanctification , the meaning of spirituality . legalism and antinomianism . a heart of contentment and thanksgiving . so - called “ inferiority complex ” ? way of repentance 成圣,什么是屬靈。律法主義與無律法主義。滿足,感恩的心。自卑?悔改之路。

This is where the church agreed with the prophetic word from amos 9 and declared that its identity would not reflect the legalism from the past 這是教會與阿摩司書第9章的先知性話語一致之處,并宣告她的身分將不從過去帶來守法主義。

If this form is still exclusive the legalism , the waste of the resource will leads to a degradation of legal effect on partnership 如果繼續將其拒之于立法之外,無疑會造成法律資源的閑程與浪費,降低合伙制度的法律功能。

Generally speaking , people make comments on the movement of “ commenting on confucianism and criticizing legalism “ in 1970 ' s from a political view 摘要對70年代中期的“評法批儒”運動,人們一般都從政治的角度做出評價。

The concepts of quot; righteousness quot; and quot; benefits quot; in ideologies of pre - qin confucianism , mohism , legalism and in socialism 論先秦儒家義利觀及其現代啟示

The author also expresses his ideas on the modern value of legalism and complementarity of confucianism and legalism 文章最后對法家的現代價值和儒法互補提出個人看法。

The confluence of taoism and legalism and its influence on china traditional political culture from hanfeizi 從韓非子看道法合流及其對傳統政治文化的影響

The principle of legalism of tax revenue and the government ' s tax legislation power 稅收法定主義原則與政府稅收立法權的界定

“ opposed to legalism . “與守規派相反