
legalese n.晦澀的公文,法律用語。


Take challenging composition courses ( not just creative writing courses , but classes in journalism , technical writing , etc . ) so that you can “ speak “ journalese , unese , legalese , etc 修習高級作文課程(不是創意寫作課,而是像新聞寫作,技術文件寫作等等) ,這樣才能說得像記者,像聯合國人員,像律師等。

You can view the full legalese of this license , and also choose from the several easy ways to mark your work with the license 您可以查看該許可證的完整法律術語,而且有幾種容易的方法可供選擇以用許可證標記您的作品。

In this regard , the steering committee made a conscious effort to draft in plain english and to cut out legalese 就此而言,統籌委員會致力以淺白英文草擬,并盡量減少采用法律術語。

Summary page , which includes a link to the full legalese 摘要頁面,該頁面包括至完整法律術語的鏈接。

Don ' t let the legalese crimp your enthusiasm in any way 別讓法律術語歪曲了你的熱忱

Which includes a link to the full legalese ) ,該頁面包括至完整法律術語的鏈接。