
legal adj.1.法律(上)的。2.法定的,合法的,正當的。3...

legal cap

Joseph kohler saw the end of legal regulation in the promotion of culture . 約瑟夫科勒認為法律控制的目的是促進文化的發展。

In executing his functions he is not bound by any legal curbs on his power . 在他履行職務時,他的權力是不受任何法律約束的。

“ ground “ is the formal , especially legal , justification for an action . “Ground”指正式的,尤其是法律上的行動的原因。

The most notable legal treatise in the century is littleton's tenures . 該世紀最著名的法學著作是利特力頓的《土地使用》。

In legal contexts, equality is commonly deemed among “natural rights“ . 在法律用語中,平等被認為是“自然權利”的一種。

Swear to me on your honour that this story of yours is based on legal fact . 你得發誓剛才你說的那一套都是根據法律的。

I was speaking on the basis of a legal contract, not a social contract . 我是根據法律契約講的,而不是根據社會契約。

He proceeded to deal forth his scraps of legal knowledge without mercy . 他開始毫不留情地販賣殘缺不全的法律知識。

The legal quality of a rule does not depend on whether it is infringed . 一條規則的法律性質不依賴于它是否被違反。

Are copper coins legal tender for a sum in excess of 10 pounds? 超過十鎊的數目可以用銅幣作為法定貨幣來償付嗎?

He served as a legal member of the governor-general's council in india . 他在印度任總督顧問委員會的法律顧問。

Some kinds of injunctions may state both non-legal and legal duties . 有些禁止規定既是法律的,也是非法律的。

The judge explained the legal technicalities of the case to the jury . 法官向陪審團解釋該案件法律上的細節。

An individual may express any views at all without legal hindrance . 個人可以不受法律約束地表達任何觀點。

It is also a legal term used especially in the selling of a house . 它還是個法律術語,用以指房產的賣方。

A corporation is separate legal entity chartered by the state . 股份有限公司是州政特許的獨立的法律主體。

The legal status of a concubine has varied in different societies . 在不同的社會,妾的法律地位有所不同。

It has been authorized by another legal norm of a higher rank . 它已經得到另一條高層次的法律規范的認可。

Stane recalled a tea, johnson a legal conference . 史丹回想起有茶會,而約翰遜想起了要去開個法律會議。