
leg n.1.腿;(豬、羊等)供食用的腿。2.(桌椅等的)腿腳...

leg art

The leg is now at full extension . 現在腿已完全伸直。

Instead of relaxing, your leg muscles twitch . 腿部肌肉不但不能松馳,反而緊張抽動。

There is a birthmark on his left leg . 他左腿有塊記。

He felt his legs bend under him . 他覺得他的腿在發軟。

Two guys swung at each other's legs with whips . 兩個人相互用鞭子抽打對方的大腿。

How did he come to break his leg ? 他怎么把腿弄折了呢?

The broken leg nearly crazed the horse with pain . 那條斷腿幾乎使那匹馬痛得發狂。

Ivar's bandy legs seemed to have grown shorter . 埃法爾的兩條羅圈腿看著短得多了。

He fell over and broke his left leg . 他跌倒摔斷了左腿。

Your tv set is on its last legs . 你的電視機快被淘汰了。

In an instant the other two were on their legs . 另外兩個人轉眼之間也站了起來。

Your boob tube is on its last legs . 你的電視機快報銷了。

His leg had to be taken off above the knee . 他的一條腿不得不從膝蓋以上截去了。

The girl walks by on thin legs . 女郎挪動著纖細的腿走過。

It was very hot and when i woke my legs itched . 那天很熱,我一醒來,腿上發癢。

The horse stood on its hind legs . 那匹馬用后腿站立走來。

She is having an operation on her leg . 她的腿正在動手術。

The pain in my leg comes and goes . 我的腿有時疼有時不疼。

The dog rubbed his head against my legs . 狗用頭蹭我的腿。