
lefty n.〔俚語〕1.左撇子,用左手的人。2.左派的人,左傾的...


Left - handed snails are better than righties at defending against predators , according to a new study that suggests lefties have the same competitive advantage in nature that they enjoy on the baseball diamond or in the boxing ring 這使人聯想到,在棒球場地或者拳擊臺上的那些左撇子選手較之右撇子選手具有相同的競爭優勢。據美聯社3月23日報道,這項研究被發表在本月的英國皇家學會生物學簡報上。

But left - handers day was not merely a celebration of the creative superiority of lefties , she added . it also aimed at raising awareness of the difficulties presented by a right - handed world 米爾遜繼續說, “左撇子日”并不僅僅是為了那些具有超凡創造力的左撇子而設的, “右撇子世界”給左撇子們制造的種種麻煩已經引起了越來越高的關注, “左撇子日”就是為此而設的。

The 22 - year - old rookie could spell trouble for the yankees ' predominantly left - handed lineup . in his brief big - league career , danks has limited lefties to a . 167 average , compared with . 272 for righties 這位22歲的菜鳥可能會造成洋基左打打線一點麻煩,在他資淺的大聯盟經歷中,他讓左打者的打擊率為一成六七,相對于右打者的二成七二。

Alternatively , researchers said crabs might simply not be used to attacking lefties , just as baseball pitchers face fewer left - handed batters . “ it ' s the same thing here in nature , “ dietl said 另外一種解釋就是,或許螃蟹只是不習慣于攻擊那些“左撇子”蝸牛,這就像棒球投手不習慣面對較少的左撇子擊球手一樣。

Britain ' s labour party has particular problems with “ nationalising ” anything : the very word recalls the ranting hordes of labour lefties whom gordon brown helped sideline more than a decade ago 英國工黨總是遇到“國有化”這類的麻煩:這個詞讓人們想起了布朗在十年前輔助的一群聲勢浩大的左翼工人黨。

What they suspect is happening is that left - handed snails avoid the attentions of right - handed crabs because these dexterous crustaceans find it tricky to eat lefties 他們猜想當時的情況可能是左撇子的蝸牛不會引起右撇子螃蟹的興趣,因為這些慣用右爪的螃蟹發現要吃這些會向左轉的家伙比較難。

“ i have [ $ 16 million ] in johnson for next year so he is part of the five , “ cashman said of the 43 - year - old lefty who had back surgery in october 現金男先生談到了這名43歲的左投手,他在10月份動了背部手術,他說:我們明年要付給巨怪1600萬美金的薪水,所以他是先發輪值五名投手之一。

Republicans have long complained that the federal government is stuffed full of dyed - in - the - wool lefties who habitually ignore or subvert republican policies 長期以來,共和黨人就抱怨聯邦政府充斥了左派分子,他們信仰牢不可破,一貫不把共和黨的政策放在眼里,或者干脆推翻重來。

Seattle has a reputation as a tax - friendly bastion of liberalism . but scratch a lefty espresso addict on this issue , and you might get a tax - hating conservative 西雅圖在繳稅問題上是開明友好之邦,但是喝咖啡課稅的話,嗜喝espresso的左派保守人士將成為提案的反對者。

In the late 1960 ' s and 1970 ' s , a new generation of musicians who grew up on hank williams , lefty frizzell and others brought southern rock to country 六十年代末及七十年代,新一代的音樂家們,如勒夫特.弗里茲爾等在漢克.威廉姆斯的基礎上將南部搖滾樂帶入了鄉村。

Given possible evolutionary reasons to conform to the norm , what about the lefties , the outliers , those who zig when all others zag 既然個體因為演化而去遵循群體常規,那麼我們又要如何解釋那些慣用左手者,那些特立獨行、與眾不同的個體呢?

On the kei igawa front , cashman had dinner with the japanese lefty thursday night and igawa ' s physical has been completed 在井川慶方面。現金男和這名日本籍左投手在星旗四晚上共進晚餐,井川慶也完成身體檢查了。

They ' ll also travel to okinawa , where they will meet with executives of the hanshin tigers , lefty kei igawa ' s former team 他們將會去沖繩旅游,他們也將會訪問阪神老虎隊,這是左投手井川慶的前東家。

Yesterday they were toying with the idea of making a posting bid on japan lefty kei igawa . bids have to be in by monday 昨天他們有一個主意,打算去競標日本籍的左投手井川慶。將在星期一投標。

Lefty : when they send for you , you go in alive , you come out dead , and it ' s your best friend that does it 當他們送你進去時你就別想活著出來,而這一切是你最好的朋友干的。

Lefty : i never hear from my boss until he dies , then my whole life gets turned upside down 直到我上司死了我都一點消息沒有,然后我的生活變得天翻地覆。

It does n ' t become an advantage if lefties are just as common as righties . 但如果左撇子和右撇子一樣常見的話,那么它也不會演變成這種優勢的。 ”

One possibility is that lefty snails have difficulty mating with their right - handed relations 有一種可能性是左撇子蝸牛難跟右撇子的同類交配。

So , you know , obviously a lefty . just got to go out there and try and execute my game well 在比賽中我會以我為主,盡量把對手拖入多拍回合。