
leftover n.剩余物〔如剩菜〕。adj.剩余的;未用完的;吃剩的。


Ravel a bit of the leftover cloth to mend the tear in your dress 拆開一點剩布的線,縫補你的衣服上的撕裂處。

Prepare just enough food for one meal ; discard any leftovers 每次開調食物以一餐為準,吃剩的食物,應該丟掉。

I need to eat ice cream and all your mother has is leftover tofu 我要吃冰淇淋而你媽媽留下的只有吃剩的豆腐

105 master tells jokes leftovers 105師父講笑話剩菜

I have some leftover camembert 我這有些剩余的軟芝士!

The leftover food began to smell bad 剩飯開始發臭了。

If there is leftovers , wrap it well before storing it in the refrigerator 剩余的菜要包好,才放入雪柜。

8 . lengthend oven can ensure drying inside and out , less leftover 8加長烘箱保證烘干徹底,殘留熔劑少。

Just assorted leftovers . - great -就是剩飯雜燴-好極了

Analysis of fireworks leftovers 煙花爆竹環保項目分析與研究

You can store the leftovers in the refrigerator for tomorrow 你可以將剩下的食物放在冰箱里放到明天。

Never taste leftover poultry that looks or smells strange 不要食用看起來或聞起來有異常的剩余禽肉。

She threw the leftovers in the garbage 她把剩飯倒進垃圾桶。

- i ' m not hungry for meatloaf . - well , it is leftover night -我不想吃肉糕-哦,今晚又要留下剩飯了

I ' m not hungry for meatloaf . - well , it is leftover night 我不想吃肉糕-哦,今晚又要留下剩飯了

As a matter of fact , forget about the leftovers . let ' s celebrate 事實上,忘了剩飯,讓我們慶祝吧

Hey . do you want some leftover chicken 嗨。你想要點剩下的雞么

49 minutes ago the thanksgiving leftovers have all been eaten and the Tracy新聞,加州- 11個小時前

Well if your hungry , we got leftovers 如果你餓了,這里還剩點吃的