
leftmost adj.最左的,極左的。


Lam third left , director of the hong kong observatory , and the judges - dr . y . s . hung second left , department of electrical electronic engineering and dr . c . l . yip leftmost , department of computer science of the university of hong kong , appreciating the rain gauge of the senior champion team 香港天文臺臺長林超英先生左三與評判香港大學電機電子工程系洪仰三博士左二及計算機科學系葉志立博士左一正欣賞高級組冠軍的雨量計。

In an arithmetic right shift , the bits shifted beyond the rightmost bit position are discarded , and the leftmost sign bit is propagated into the bit positions vacated at the left 在數學右移位運算中,將丟棄移出最右側數位位置的數位,并將最左側的(符號)數位傳播到左端空出的數位位置。

3 . in the leftmost list in the select resource dialog box , click the name of a resource or distribution list you want to add to your resource list , and then click add 3 .在“選定資源”對話框最左邊的列表中,單擊要添加到資源列表中的資源或分配列表的名稱,然后單擊“添加”按鈕。

If the script name is hyphenated , then either the leftmost string must be a name registered with lanana , or it can be your fully - qualified domain name in lower case 如果腳本的名稱被連字符連接,那么,或者最左邊的字符串必須是在lanana注冊的名稱,或者它可以是小寫的全限定的域名。

The position of the leftmost 0 before the decimal point and the rightmost 0 after the decimal point determines the range of digits that are always present in the result string 小數點前最左邊的“ 0 ”的位置和小數點后最右邊的“ 0 ”的位置確定總在輸出字符串中出現的數字范圍。

For languages read left - to - right , such as english , this is the rightmost assigned position ; for languages read right - to - left , this would be the leftmost position 對于從左向右( ltr )讀的語言(如英語) ,這是最靠右的賦值位置;對于從右向左( rtl )讀的語言,這將為最靠左的位置。

In an arithmetic right shift , the bits shifted beyond the rightmost bit position are discarded , and the leftmost bit is propagated into the bit positions vacated at the left 在算術右移位運算中,將丟棄移出最右側數位位置的數位,并將最左側的數位傳播到左端空出的數位位置。

A section of the leftmost lane of eastbound siu sai wan road outside siu sai wan sports ground will be used as a temporary dropping point for coaches , taxis and private cars (二)小西灣運動場對開的小西灣道東行最左線將會用作臨時落客處,供旅游巴士、的士及私家車落客。

To determine an effective order for the equality columns , order them based on their selectivity : list the most selective columns first leftmost in the column list 若要確定相等列的有效順序,請基于其選擇性排序:首先列出選擇性最強的列(列列表中的最左側) 。有關使用由

Gets a collection of all the captures matched by the capturing group , in innermost - leftmost - first order or innermost - rightmost - first order if the regular expression is modified with the 按從里到外、從左到右的順序獲取由捕獲組匹配的所有捕獲的集合(如果正則表達式用

To determine an effective order for the equality columns , order them based on their selectivity , listing the most selective columns first leftmost in the column list 若要確定相等列的有效順序,請基于其選擇性排序,首先列出選擇性最強的列(列列表中的最左側) 。

Here is another marantic vegetation on the leftmost cusp . these vegetations are rarely over 0 . 5 cm in size . however , they are very prone to embolize 最左方尖端的消耗性贅生物,大小雖然很少超過0 . 5厘米,但是非常容易形成栓塞。

Use zero - based indexes to specify positions ; that is , specify the topmost row as row 0 , and the leftmost column as column 0 位置通過從零開始的索引指定;也就是說,將最上面的行指定為行0 ,將最左邊的列指定為列0 。

When you select a folder in the leftmost pane , the files that it contains are shown in a table viewer in the rightmost pane 當在左邊窗格中選中某個文件夾時,它所包含的文件就顯示在最右邊窗格的表查看器中。

Traffic on the second and third leftmost traffic lane of victoria park road eastbound will be directed to north point iec 維園道東行的最左面第二及第三條行車線將改為前往北角東區走廊。

1 . in the leftmost column of the gantt chart , click the top box to select all rows in the gantt chart 1 。在“甘特圖”的最左邊一列中,單擊最上面的單元格以選擇“甘特圖”中的所有行。

Willie wong , epson foundation deputy general secretary leftmost was also invited to join the programme with students 愛普生基金處理常務秘書王偉雄先生左一應邀與學生一起參與活動

In the middle row , click the leftmost column , and then set its width to 48 in the properties window 在中間行中,單擊最左側的列,然后在“屬性”窗口中將其“寬度”設置為48 。

Motorists are advised that in order to facilitate conveyor dismantle works , the two leftmost lanes slow lanes of 坪石的通路及啟德大廈的一段最左面的兩條行車線慢線