
leftist adj.〔L-〕左派的。n.左派的人。


In the short period since a collection of fishing villages were turned into a modern metropolis , hong kong has survived war , waves of refugees , pestilence , drought , assorted mischief by local leftists and economic near - implosions , consistently defying the doomsayers , repeatedly rebounding 自從在釣魚島短期內轉變為一個現代化都市,香港就幸免于戰爭,難民的激增,瘟疫,干旱,當地左翼分子和閉塞經濟等混合危害,一貫地不服從的兇事預示者,經濟的反復的波動。

But the military said it was only interested in the six prisoners , the most prominent being ahmed saadat , head of the popular front for the liberation of palestine , a small , leftist group that has been involved in attacks against israel dating back decades 但是軍方說此次的目的只在于這六名犯人,其中最突出的人物是10年前進行反以斗爭的一個小規模的左翼團體“解放巴勒斯坦人民陣線”的領導人艾哈邁德?薩阿達特。

The names in this roster suggest that creative decisions were still in the hands of filmmakers , while organised political forces stayed behind the scene . it is exemplified by the fact that sima wensen , a bona fide leftist scriptwriter , was not on the list 從這個名單看來,劇本創作仍掌握在真正電影人的手上,而左派組織的參與還傾向低調,連正牌屬于左派系統的司馬文森也沒有在名單上出現,倒隱沒于幕后。

Santiago ( reuters ) - chile ' s leftist president michelle bachelet , keeping to a tradition of frugality despite her country ' s recent copper boom , is seeking an inexpensive second - hand plane for her travels 盡管近期國際市場銅價暴漲使得身為世界主要產銅國家的智利大賺了一筆,但該國總統巴切萊特卻依然保持著一貫的節儉作風,她眼下準備運用政府資金購買一架相對便宜的二手飛機以備自己出行之需。

Leftist the key is a small jump , right key is a significant jump , key to suspend the game . after the four misunderstanding on key to remember : the selection of appropriate timing and the rate is the key to success “左”鍵是小幅度跳躍, “右”鍵是大幅度跳躍, “下”鍵為暫停游戲,過4關后需按“上”鍵繼續,記住:選擇好時機和合適的幅度才是成功的關鍵。

The leftist parties who support him do not have sufficient votes in the mexican congress to block legislation , but they can complicate the legislative process and delay approval of calderon ' s reform proposals 雖然支持他的左翼政黨在墨西哥議會中沒有獲得足夠的表決權來阻礙立法,但他們能夠使立法程序復雜化并且推遲卡爾德龍改革提案的通過。

The leftist parties who support him do not have sufficient votes in the mexican congress to block legislation , but they can complicate the legislative process and delay approval of calderon ' s reform proposals 雖然支持他的左翼政黨在墨西哥國會沒有足夠的選票來阻撓立法,但他們可以讓立法進程復雜化,從而推遲通過卡爾德隆的改革計劃。

He refers him as a leftist director who “ helped to establish the openly leftist kunlun film studio , which worked against the nationalist guomindang government “ berry p . 187 . a spring river flows east was a product of this studio 其作品山村老尸狂抄日本片午夜兇鈴和改正歸邪勁抄另一日片血光光五人幫,膽色令人配服。

Following the woman writers of literature research school , the woman writers of beijing school is regarded as a female group of remarkable achievements , which existed simultaneously with the woman writers of the league of leftist writers 摘要京派女作家是繼文研會女作家之后,與“左聯”女作家并立、成就顯著的女性書寫群體。

The paper begins with the discussions on how the writing of “ revolution plus love “ turns up and what was its history source in order to explore the effect of the great revolution on the leftist literature 摘要本文以對“革命加戀愛”創作產生原因和歷史源頭的考察為切入角度,來研究大革命對左翼文學所產生的影響。

Many in hong kong cringe at the mention of the word left . but during the turbulent time , leftist beliefs represented hope for this group of filmmakers - for the future of china and of humankind 不少香港人聞左色變,卻忘記了在歷史的大洪流中,左的思潮曾經寄托了一代人對家國和人類社會發展的理想與憧憬。

However , under the pressure of this strong “ leftist “ tidal wave , the regional committee not only stopped rectifying “ leftist “ tendencies , but turned “ leftist “ itself 但從1927年2月起,湖南區委經不起這股強大的“左”的浪潮的壓力,不僅停止了糾“左” ,而且自己也跟著“左”起來了。

In their remembrances , abstract concepts become concrete . leftist filmmakers are in fact not fearsome political animals but regular people with ordinary emotions 透過前輩們的訪談,抽象的概念變得立體起來,左派影人不再是想像中橫眉倒豎的政治動物,而是有常人一般的喜怒哀樂。

Nick cohen , a peppery writer for britain ' s centre - left media , has put flesh on the euston manifesto ' s bones by listing the sins of the islamic - leftist compact 英國中左媒體作家、以辛辣風格著名的尼克-科恩將伊斯蘭-左翼協議的種種罪行一一列出,這一舉措大大完善了尤斯登宣言。

The works created when ding stayed in the league of leftist writers and yenan illustrate that she tried to voice on behalf of women in the limited discourse space 從丁玲在左聯、延安時期創作的一些文本可以看出,丁玲試圖從女性的角度在有限的話語空間內表達出自己的聲音。

But if respect has remained small , that is partly because its core constituents are viewed warily , even within the islamic - leftist fraternity 至今,尊重黨規模仍然偏小,部分原因是外界往往對該黨核心選民另眼相待,甚至伊斯蘭-左翼兄弟會內部對它的態度也是小心謹慎。

Since 1949 , when the communist party took up the power in china , the union movement in hong kong had been manipulated by either the leftist or the rightists unit 1991 三十年來,工委會給人的形象可能是偏激,甚至是在搞事,破壞社會的繁榮安定。

In 2000 the government of the day , a coalition of leftists and greens ( 注 一 ) , passed a law forcing the shutdown of the country ' s 19 reactors by 2020 在2000年,德國現任由激進派和綠色和平主義派組成的聯合政府通過了一項法案,規定到2020年關閉國內19個反應堆。

Bolivians face a polarizing choice in a presidential vote set for sunday between a leftist coca farmer and a conservative former president 玻利維亞人在星期日的總統大選,將面臨兩極分化的選擇,一方是左翼的古柯農民,一方是保守的前總統代表