
leeway n.1.【航海】風壓〔船在行進中被沖向下風〕;風壓差;風...


Cars in group comprise nos . 1 - 27 , 29 - 43 , 45 - 119 , 121 - 127 , 129 - 143 , 145 - 163 , 165 and 166 . they were built from 1987 to 1991 with underframes by w . j . brown engineering ltd . and bodies by full arts metal works ltd . 109 cars and leeway engineering and trading co . ltd . 51 cars . leeway also supplied the body for car no . 120 type b which was built new in 1991 to the design of the previous generation of trams dating from 1949 : car no . 120 is a “ heritage “ tram , but is used in normal traffic 制造,在1954年至1955年間出廠,在1986年至1987年間,由香港電車有限公司改裝為出租及觀光電車, ( a )款電車包括第1 ? 27號、第29號至第43號、第45號至第119號、第121號至第127號、第129號至第143號、第145號至163號、第165號及166號電車,全部在1987年至1991年間制造,底架由w

All trams were assembled by hongkong tramways ltd . except cars no . 28 type c and no . 128 type d which were originally built by taikoo dockyard engineering ltd . in 1954 55 and rebuilt by hongkong tramways for charter and tourist duties in 1986 87 . cars in group comprise nos . 1 - 27 , 29 - 43 , 45 - 119 , 121 - 127 , 129 - 143 , 145 - 163 , 165 and 166 . they were built from 1987 to 1991 with underframes by w . j . brown engineering ltd . and bodies by full arts metal works ltd . 109 cars and leeway engineering and trading co . ltd . 51 cars 這兩輛電車由taikoodockyard engineeringltd .制造,在1954年至1955年間出廠,在1986年至1987年間,由香港電車有限公司改裝為出租及觀光電車, a款電車包括第1 27號第29號至第43號第45號至第119號第121號至第127號第129號至第143號第145號至163號第165號及166號電車,全部在1987年至1991年間制造,底架由w . j . brownengineeringltd .供應。

Derived from the geographical features , the overall characteristics of russian diplomacy demonstrates itself as follows : there exists a great leeway for diplomatic maneuvers allowing for greater probabilities of transformations in both foreign policies and diplomatic focuses ; much importance is attached to coping with the relationships with its neighbors by adopting different diplomatic strategies towards nations of different ethnicities and religions ; avoiding double - front or multi - front battlefield occupies a dominant place in russian diplomacy ; and another outstanding position is given to anti - blockade diplomacy with an special effort to obtain and maintain the possession of marine outlets 這些特征決定了俄羅斯外交的一般特征,具體表現為:俄羅斯外交周旋的空間大,外交政策轉換的概率大,外交運作的重心變化多;重視處理與鄰國之間的關系,對不同實力、不同民族宗教的鄰國采取不同的外交方略;避免兩線或多線作戰在俄羅斯外交中地位突出;注重謀取和維護出海口,反封鎖外交在俄羅斯外交中占有重要位置等。

Leeway also supplied the body for car no . 120 type b which was built new in 1991 to the design of the previous generation of trams dating from 1949 : car no . 120 is a “ heritage “ tram , but is used in normal traffic 車身由fullartsmetalworksltd .及leewayengineeringandtradingco . ltd .供應前者109輛后51者輛。第120號電車b款參照1949年以后的電車款式設計,在1991年新制,車身由leeway提供。這輛有傳統特色的電車,現正用于普通載客服務。

This gives its leaders more leeway to sort out its banking system , deal with the land - ownership problem , fix health care and education ( which will involve big changes in the country ' s fiscal system ) and set up a credible social - security safety net 這給了它的領導人更多的回旋余地來解決銀行系統的問題,解決土地所有權的問題,完善醫療和教育(這將涉及國家財政系統的巨大變化) ,并且建立起一個可靠的社會保障網絡。

This gives its leaders more leeway to sort out its banking system , deal with the land - ownership problem , fix health care and education ( which will involve big changes in the country ' s fiscal system ) and set up a credible social - security safety net 這給予其領導人更多的余地來整理它的銀行體系、處理土地所有權問題、調整其醫療保健和教育體制(這將涉及該國財政財政制度的重大變化) 、建立可靠的社會保障安全網絡。

But the controversy does not terminate yet , and selective safeguard is still survived in the current frame of wto . there are mainly three aspects : firstly , safeguard agreement itself reserved a leeway for selective safeguard measure 但紛爭遠未因此終止,選擇性保障措施仍然殘存于現行wto框架之中,主要表現為三個方面:第一, 《保障措施協議》本身保留了選擇性保障措施的余地。

It makes them more competitive faster service , better answers , new products , and it lowers the cost for the insurance company , which translates into higher margins or more leeway when negotiating prices 這樣可以提高他們的競爭力(更快的服務、更優質的答復、新的產品) ,也降低了保險公司的成本,最終轉化為更高的利潤和價格談判時更大的余地。

Now that the crucial movement has come to resolve such a problem , the township governments and governments at higher levels must play an important part since the village economic organizations have limited leeway in this respect 目前村級不良債務化解已經進入攻堅階段,村本級經濟組織有所作為的空間有限,鎮級及其以上級政府扮演著重要角色。

For several years more foreign cars have been sold in britain than british ones ; the government is now being asked to limit the sales of foreign cars to give british companies a chance to make up leeway 幾年來,外國轎車在英國的銷量一直比英國的大;英國公司正在要求其政府對外國(進口)轎車的銷售加以限制,以便給它們一個迎頭趕上的機會。

Its only after you earn back your upgrade ( 4 months is approx 120 days so you still have 20 days leeway for not surfing ) that the upgrade will revert to earn the new % , depending on your account level 只有當你拿回升級單位的本金后( 4個月大約120天,假如你有20天不沖浪也沒事)才在以后的月份根據你的帳戶級別實行每天%利息。

China itself has always played down the ppp numbers , hoping to portray itself as a poor country so america will give it more leeway when arguing about exchange rates and trade 中國總是貶低購買力平價的重要性,想把自己弄的像窮國一樣,這樣美國遇到在與其有關匯率和貿易摩擦上就不會咬的那么緊了。

The intent is to support the average query , while at the same time allowing operator sites the leeway required to be able to manage adequate performance 設置截斷機制的目的是為了支持均衡查詢,但同時也允許操作入口站點為滿足性能的需要而采取的查詢誤差策略(即可能因性能的需要中止了查詢的進行) 。

You are always under pressure . your company is running at its limit . there is no leeway . you accept no compromises when it comes to productivity and reliability 你一直處于壓力之下。你的公司在它的能力極限邊緣運行著。沒有回旋余地。當牽涉到生產力和可靠性的時候你不能接受任何妥協。

Under such a meticulous and stringent system of checks and balances , there is absolutely no leeway for any individual to exert undue influence over the outcome of icac investigations 委員們態度認真,一絲不茍。在這樣嚴謹的監察制度下,絕對沒有空間容許任何人徇私。

1st , no matter your stature height , the choice and the knee chinese dress must be much lither than the length and the instep , also gives the attractive shoe more displays leeway 不管你的個子高矮,選擇及膝的旗袍比長及腳面的要輕盈得多,也給漂亮的鞋子更多發揮余地。

If a marshal or general is not eligible , and stubbornly reluctant to improve , he will certainly lose the leeway to bargain , even if he has a forked tongue or powerful background 不達標及冥頑無改進者自然喪失討價還價地位,縱有舌粲蓮花或免死金牌也不管用。

The purpose of the inertial trial is to determine the vessel stop distance and time at different main engine rate of revolution , and determine vessel leeway angle 慣性試驗的目的是決定在各種主機轉速下船舶的停止距離和時間,以及船舶的風壓偏位角。

Because application development in php is not as structured as the j2ee standard or struts frameworks , the design has leeway for customization 因為php中的應用程序開發與j2ee標準或struts框架結構的構造方式不同,所以設計中允許存在定制的誤差。