
leeward adj.【航海】下風的,在下風處的。adv.在下風,向下...

leeward islands

It is showed in wind - vehicle - bridge system vibration analysis that cross wind action can remarkably increase the response of bridge and vehicle . generally , the response of bridge and vehicle are increased with wind speed and train speed , one case that vehicle is on leeward side of deck is more unsafe than another case that vehicle is on windward side of deck . nonlinear factors can more influence bridge than vehicle 風?車?橋系統耦合振動分析結果表明:考慮風的作用會顯著增加車輛和橋梁的響應;車輛和橋梁的響應總體上隨風速和車速的提高而變大;車輛位于橋道背風側時較迎風側時更為不利;非線性因素對橋梁的影響較車輛的要大。

The calculated mean diameter , mean square - root diameter , mean cube - root diameter and liquid water content are all well matched with the observational results ; in the paper two examples have been analyzed by using the seeding region data and the possible affecting region data in leeward region . it is found that f - 100 , 2dc , and 2dp ' s particle concentrations increase in leeward region , but rising extent is different , which is likely to be due to difference of seeding effect time 擬合值和觀測值吻合的較好,計算出的平均直徑、均方根直徑、均立方根直徑和粒子濃度與觀測值也比較吻合;本文對兩組個例的催化影響區域及可能采集到相應值的下風方區域進行了分析,催化下風向影響區的f - 100 、 2dc 、 2dp的粒子濃度比背景值都有所增加,但是增加的幅度不同,應該是催化響應時間的原因。

The trade routes of the carrier are between the east coast of north america , including the gulf of mexico , and south america ( not south of cayenne ) , the steamers of the line calling enroute , whether south or northbound , at west indian , caribbean sea and gulf of mexico ports , in particular at the ports of haiti , dominican republic , windward and leeward islands , british west indies , jamaica , cuba , bermuda , etc 三、承運路線往來于北美東海岸,包括墨西哥灣,南美(但不包括南卡宴) ,本航線的船舶在南來北往途中停靠西印度洋、加勒比海和墨西哥灣各個港口,特別是海地、多米尼加共和國、向風群島和背風群島、英屬西印度群島、牙買加,古巴、百慕大等地的港口。

We must keep up - stream . you see , sir , he went on , if once we dropped to leeward of the landing - place , it s hard to say where we should get ashore besides the chance of being boarded by the gigs ; whereas , the way we go the current must slacken , and then we can dodge back along the shore “你看,先生,我們必須逆水行舟, ”他接著說道, “要是一旦我們錯過了那個著陸地點,很難說我們會在哪兒上岸,除非是在那兩只劃子邊上停船,反之,照我們現在這個航向走,湍流勢必是要減弱的,然后我們就可以沿著海岸退回來。 ”

Indeed , it was not much in my thoughts , that we could be able to recover the ship ; but my view was that if they went away without the boat , i did not much question to make her fit again , to carry us away to the leeward islands , and call upon our friends , the spaniards , in my way , for i had them still in my thoughts 說實話,我認為收復大船的把握不大。我的看法是,只要他們不把那只小船弄走,我們就可以把它重新修好。那樣,我們就可乘它去利華德群島,順便把那些西班牙朋友也可帶走。

As i did so , i let go of the tiller , which sprang sharp to leeward ; and i think this saved my life , for it struck hands across the chest , and stopped him , for the moment , dead 我躲開時,舵柄從我手里脫掉,立即反彈回來,我想正是這樣一彈才救了我的命,舵柄擊中漢茲的胸部,使他一時動彈不了。

A medium - thick shelterbelt can reduce wind velocity by more than 10 percent to a distance of 20 times the tree height on the leeward side and three times the height to the windward 中等厚度的防風林在背風側可在20倍于樹高的距離而在迎風側則在3倍于樹高的距離上減小風速10 %以上。

Wind erosion - induced desertification not only influence the agricultural production of the region . but also threaten the entironmental quality of the leeward region 風蝕沙化不但影響風蝕地區農業生產,也威脅著下風地區環境安全。

The capital of st . christopher - nevis , on st . christopher island in the leeward islands of the west indies . population , 14 , 725 巴斯特爾圣克里斯多佛尼維斯的首都,位于西印度群島中背風群島的圣克里斯托弗島上。人口14 , 725

Sag to leeward 向下風漂流

The drift of a ship or an aircraft to leeward of the course being steered 偏航,漂移船只或航空器航行過程中向背風面而作的漂移

Pick up the leeward anchor first 先起下風錨

We steered a course to leeward 我們向下風航駛。

At , on , or to the leeward side 下風處在下風處或向下風向地

Leeward : the side farthest from the wind 下風側:距離風向最遠的一側。

When the wind dropped , the boat sagged away to leeward 風停后,這條小船向下風飄去。