
leery adj.(leerier; -iest) 〔口語〕1.機...


Well , william had to turn about and play on , willy - nilly ; and twas only three o clock in the world , and a knowed that nobody would come that way for hours , and he so leery and tired that a didn t know what to do 啊,威廉不得不轉過身去繼續拉給它聽,拉呀拉呀,不停地拉那時還只是凌晨三點鐘,他知道再有幾個小時那條路上也不會有人來,他又累又餓,簡直不知道怎么辦才好。

Me prices l ' m a little leery . . .我的價格,我是個小鬼精靈

. . . me prices l ' m a little leery . . .我的價格,我是個小鬼精靈

When i got leery and talked upwhy i ' m broke 當我倒霉的時候,破產的時候

When i got leery and talked upwhy i ' m broke . . 當我倒霉的時候,破產的時候

I'm as leery of certain polls as anyone . 我和任何人一樣對某些民意測驗持懷疑態度。