
leer n.斜瞅,睨視,橫目。vi.,vt.(憤恨、輕蔑地)斜眼...


Nevertheless humanity stood before him no longer in the pensive sweetness of italian art , but in the staring and ghastly attitudes of a wiertz museum , and with the leer of a study by van beers . his conduct during these first weeks had been desultory beyond description 總而言之,人生在他的面前不再是意大利繪畫中描寫的那種深思的甜蜜,而是韋爾茨博物館里的繪畫描寫的那種瞪眼睛的駭人神態了,帶有萬比爾斯繪畫中的險詐。

In order to apply the central scheme to higher mach number flows , the sensor about pressure or temperature are modified with some tvd - like properties . modification to van leer scheme about the energy component can preserve a constant total enthalpy in the steady flows 對vanleer格式中的能量分裂式進行改進,使其在定常流動中總焓守恒;采用統一的通量矢量函數,最大程度地實現了流場程序向量化,計算效率得以提高。

Behind my words are all those grinning , leering , skulking skulls , some dead and grinning a long time , some grinning as if they had lockjaw , some grinning with the grimace of a grin , the foretaste and aftermath of what is always going on 我的話后面是那些咧著嘴嘻笑、藏在暗處的腦袋,有些死掉的人的腦袋長時間地笑,有些像患了牙關緊閉癥一樣笑,有些又扮出鬼臉來獰笑,這是一直在進行中的事情的預演和結果。

In order to achieve a computer code with a maximum degree of vectorization , the numerical flux function must be written uniformly with sign function . to get higher order accuracy , the muscl interpolation functions are applied for van leer and roe schemes Vanleer和roe格式摘要( abstraet )均采用muscl插值使格式具有高階精度,并采用連續可微的vanalbada通量限制器,使格式具有良好的穩定性和收斂特性。

Three spatially discrete schemes about the convection terms of the n - s equations : the centered difference with artificial viscosity by jameson , the van leer scheme of flux vector splitting , and the roe scheme of flux difference splitting are studied respectively 3研究了n - s方程組中對流項的三種空間離散格式:改進的jameson中心+人工粘性格式、通量矢量分裂類vanleer格式和通量微分分裂類roe格式。

Other tourists like leonardo ' s “ mona lisa ” with chinese characteristics and a toothy leer or vangogh ' s “ sunflowers ” ? the most popular seller in dafen ? painted in blue 另外的一些參觀者則喜歡有中國特色并且露齒微笑帶著媚眼的萊昂納多的作品《蒙娜麗莎》 ,或者是凡高的作品《向日葵》 ?大汾最暢銷的畫,并且用藍色上色。

I can see about me all those cracked forebears of mine dancing around the bed , consoling me , egging me on , lashing me with their serpent tongues , grinning and leering at me with their skulking skulls 我可以看到我的瘋狂的祖先圍著床在跳舞,他們寬慰我、給我打氣、用毒蛇般的舌頭抽打我、用藏在暗處的腦袋朝我嘻笑。

The emperor of china agrees to release unconditionally all subjects of leer britannic majesty ( whether natives of europe or india ) who may be in confinement at this moment , in any part of the chinese empire 八、凡系大英國人,無論本國、屬國軍民等,今在中國所管轄各地方被禁者,大清大皇帝準即釋放。

Wenzhou longwan leer machinery casting factory , founded in 1995 , is a professional stainless flange manufacturer inte grated development , production and sales , not far away from wenzhou airport 溫州市龍灣樂二機械鑄件廠創建于1995年,是專業生產不銹鋼法蘭,集開發、生產、銷售為一體的法蘭制造商。

The stable , its a lot better for a pregnant woman to deliver a baby than an inn thats filled with the roughians , traveling men , drinking too much , leering at the women , no privacy there 馬棚是適合孕婦產子的好地方,旅館里有不少粗人流浪漢醉酒漢甚至有人不懷好意地望,沒有私隱可言。

I blow him out about you , buck mulligan said , and then you come along with your lousy leer and your gloomy jesuit jibes . - i see little hope , stephen said , from her or from him “我對他把你大吹了一通, ”勃克穆利根說, “可你卻令人不快地斜眼瞟著,搬弄你那套耶酥會士的陰郁的嘲諷。 ”

7 . the upwind finite volume method based on flux vector splitting is investigated , especially the splitting scheme of steger - warming , van leer , roe and ausm + 研究了基于矢通量分裂的高分辨率迎風型有限體積法,重點研究了siegerwarming 、 vnleer 、 roe以及ausm ”分裂格式。

They made no effort to go in , but shifted ruefully about , digging their hands deep in their pockets and leering at the crowd and the increasing lamps 他們并不想就進去,只是懊喪地在旁邊轉悠,把兩手深深地插在口袋里,斜眼看著人群和逐漸亮起的一盞盞路燈。

Always with a leer on his face and a beautiful woman at his side , benny hill has charmed millions if not billions of people in more than 140 counties around the world 他總是面露淫笑并且總有美女相伴左右,班已經讓全球140多個國家的上億人為之著迷。

Her smile is sweetly natural , she is coquettish and she speaks terrific english , so stand by for sharapova mania , the annual tabloid feast and leer 她有著自然的甜美笑容,很有魅力,英文相當好,堪稱是莎娃狂熱,更是小報獵?的目標。

There were squints , and leers , and some dull , ox - like stares from those who were too dull or too weary to converse . standing tells 還有一些人只是斜眼瞟著,或是像公牛那樣瞪大眼睛呆望著,這些人因為太遲鈍或太疲倦而沒有交談。

In the crowded elevator , another dusty , toil - stained youth tried to make an impression on her by leering in her face 在擁擠的電梯里,另一個滿身塵土和機油的青工朝她色迷迷地看著,想和她拉關系。

Leering gerty macdowell limps forward . she draws from behind ogling , and shows coyly her bloodied clout 她一面送秋波,一面從背后抽出血跡斑斑的布片,賣弄風情地拿給他看。

A direct attack , a positive leer , blatant ugliness to her face - these never touched her 譯文:她從來沒有受到別人明目張膽的完全不懷好意的直接攻擊