
leek n.【植物;植物學】青蒜,韭蔥。 eat [swallo...


Completely prevent leakage and more dur - able of shaft seal / a specially designed driving device and a triple leek - proot devioe increae the lif the shaft seal and prevent leakage 軸封完全防漏且無須經常更換/特殊設計的帶動方式,使軸封能緊密耦合而不受損,且無漏漆之虞。

Garlic , leeks and shallots make excellent container plants . they typically have few insect or disease problems , don ' t have deep roots and don ' t take up much space 大蒜、韭蔥和青蔥是優秀的盆栽植物。他們是典型的少有病蟲害問題的植物,沒有很深的根,并且不占大量空間。

Discard the foam floating on the surface of the soup , add cabbage and salt to taste . add rinsed leek sections and sprinkle with pepper . remove from heat and serve 撇掉浮在湯面的泡沫,放入大白菜同煮并加鹽調味,最后加入洗凈切小段的青蒜,撒下胡椒粉即可盛出食用。

Looking for cotton terry cloth adult bibs , need size 20in 32in with bonded leek proof backing . must be able to silk screen front 求購成人用的純棉毛巾(或者圍巾等兩端留有絨穗的物品)圍兜,尺寸為20英寸32英寸,粘有防水襯墊,必須能夠在正面進行絲網印。

A “ monster “ rabbit has apparently been rampaging through vegetable patches in a small village in northern england , ripping up leeks , munching turnips and infuriating local gardeners 當地村民采取了各種手段對付它都無濟于事,被它折騰得大為光火。

A : during treatment , avoid phototonus food ( such as celery , leek , caraway & etc ) and phototonus drugs . for sensitivity skin allergy 答:治療期間感光性食品(如芹菜、韭菜、香菜等)和感光性藥品。敏感性皮膚禁食用會引起皮膚過敏的食品。

During treatment , avoid phototonus food ( such as celery , leek , caraway & etc ) and phototonus drugs . for sensitivity skin allergy 答:治療期間感光性食品(如芹菜、韭菜、香菜等)和感光性藥品。敏感性皮膚禁食用會引起皮膚過敏的食品。

“ cultivated vegetables work better together than biovegetables , ” said matthias meinharter , who plays a leek violin “天然種植的蔬菜比生物培植的蔬菜更適合用來演奏, ”用韭蔥小提琴演奏的馬賽厄斯曼哈特說。

There are green tourmalines in fine leek hues , but also in intense yellowish - green , olive green and brownish - green nuances 呈現出像是綠韭蔥般優質細膩的綠,但有些卻會秀出黃綠色橄欖綠和棕綠色調。

The first vienna vegetable orchestra features carrot flutes , leek violins , celery bongos and aubergine * cymbals 這支名為“第一維也納蔬菜樂隊“以胡蘿卜長笛、韭菜小提琴、芹菜鼓、茄子鈸為特色。

A romatic plants native to asia , the chive and the chinese chive belong to the same family as garlic , onion and leek 芳香植物原產于亞洲,細香蔥和中國香蔥、大蒜、蔥和韭蔥屬于同一家庭。

He never ate animal products or the five unclean vegetables ( garlic , leeks , onions , scallions , and asafetida ) 他從不吃任何葷腥,包括五種不潔的蔬菜(大蒜,韭菜,洋蔥,大蔥和阿魏菜) 。

It is diced chicken with leek and small green peppers on a skewer , covered with a special sauce and barbecued 那是用串肉簽把韭菜、小綠辣椒和雞丁串在一起,涂上特別的調味料烤出來的。

Belgian police warned thieves who made off with leeks from a vegetable farm : don ' t eat them - - they could be toxic 比利時警方警告從一處菜園偷走青蒜的竊賊:別吃它們?它們可能有毒。

Saute red chili in 2 tbsp oil . add pork and stir - fry until done . stir in leek , chinese celery and heat through 用2湯匙油爆香紅辣椒,下豬肉炒熟,再加入大蒜及中國芹菜炒勻至熱透。

Add salt to taste , place mung bean noodle in pan , cook until boil , remove from heat . sprinkle with shred leek . serve 加鹽調味,放入粉絲,煮滾即熄火,撒下青蒜絲即可盛出食用。

Tie one fish stripe and a couple of shredded leek together . repeat the same procedure for the rest of the fish stripes 用馬鈴薯絲將魚條和大蔥綁在一起,如此重復困綁所有魚條。

He boasted that he could easily beat his opponent , but after his defeat he had to eat the leek 他夸口說可以輕易打敗對手,結果卻給對手打敗,只有含羞忍辱收回自己的狂言了。

It ' s like this : first you heat the oil , and then put into the seasoning , and then put leek into the pot 是這樣的:你先把油給熱了,然后放入調味品,然后把韭菜放進鍋里。