
leeds n.利茲〔英國城市〕。


He played in 277 first - team games , scoring 34 goals before he was transferred to leeds in 1992 他在一隊打了277場比賽打入34個進球,于1992年轉會利茲。

2 leeds led the game for more than an hour after brian dean scored in the 31st minute 在布里安-迪恩于31分鐘首開紀錄后,利茲主導場上局面超過1小時。

Leeds city centre has over 1 , 000 shops and is the region ' s prime shopping destination 里茲市中心有1000多家商店,這里是這個地區主要的購物目的地。

Leeds city centre has over 1 , 000 sho and is the region ' s prime sho ing destination 里茲市中心有1000多家商店,這里是這個地區主要的購物目的地。

I was such a little girl then , just out of high school . leeds took me under her wing 那時我還是個小姑娘,剛從高中畢業,李慈那時就照應我。

For example , more than 20 students celebrated the 2006 spring festival in leeds 比如說,二十多個同學共同在利茲度過了2006年的春節。

University of leeds 里茲大學

Samoyeds were first shown at the leeds show in 1893 in the foreign dog class 1893年,在利茲的引進犬組,薩摩完成了他的第一次展示。

Leeds united is top of the fans ' shopping list , according to votes cast online 據調查,利茲聯被排在了球迷購物單上的第一位。

Leeds had rejected liverpool ' s original asking price of 15 million for fowler 利物浦原為科拿開價一千五百萬鎊,遭列斯拒絕。

Leeds college of music 利茲音樂學院

Bradford is near leeds 布拉福靠近利茲

It ' ll have “ leeds stuffed arsenal “ on it before you get back to the car 在你回到車上之前凳子上就會寫上“利茲打敗阿森那

It ' ll have “ leeds stuffed arsenal “ on it before you get back to the car 在你回到車上之前凳子上就會寫上“利茲打敗阿森那

Leeds metropolitan university 里茲都會大學

Leeds and australia star marc viduka on the importance of winning 利茲連隊和澳大利亞球星維杜卡闡述勝利的重要性。

There ' s a friendly between leeds united and manchester city next week 利茲聯隊和曼徹斯特市隊下星期有一場友誼賽

1911 the city of leeds introduced britain ? s first trolley - bus service 利茲市成為英國第一個使用無軌電車的城市。

Leeds was / were the better team 利茲隊是個好隊