
leech n.1.【動物;動物學】水蛭,螞蝗,(特指)醫用蛭。2....

leech craft

So much like a leech 就像一個吸血鬼

There ' s leeches in there 那里有水蛭

Oh , shit . swamp leeches 媽的,沼澤水蛭

Leeches are used as potion ingredients , both sliced and in the form of leech juice 螞蟥同樣可以入藥,切成片或者榨汁。

He was eaten by leeches 他是被水蛭吸血而亡

The effect of compound leech oral liquor on intracerebral hemotomas of rats 復方水蛭口服液對大鼠實驗性腦血腫的影響

Why do i sometimes see torrents i ' m not leeching in my profile ! 有時我看到我并沒有下載的資源還在我的信息列表里面

Leeches , malaria , and typhus were among the medical hazards for the troops 螞蝗、瘧疾和傷寒危及筑路部隊的健康。

Nothing a good leeching won ' t cure 哭哭就好了

My shy little sister cling to me like a leech all through the party 我那腆的小妹在聚會上寸步不離地跟著我。

By jeez , them blasted leeches doomed me to a life of hopping , they did 哎,那些該死的水蛭讓我的余生注定殘廢

Leeches attach themselves to other creatures and suck their blood 它們寄生在別的生物體內,以吸食血液為生。

This leech nearly got me again 差點又被這家伙逮到!

Health leech effects no longer give you health while you are a ghost 吸血的效果在靈魂狀態下將不能吸收到

A leech is a small blood - sucking worm and usually lives in water 水蛭是一種小型吸血蟲,通常生活在水中。

But he hath a godly minister or two with him , and likewise a leech 只是他有兩位牧師陪著,還有一個醫生。

What will happen to users who only leeches , and doesn ' t seed at all 如果用戶只下載,不做種會發生什么?

Please don ' t throw me to the leeches 別把我扔進水蛭群里

The leeches took my husband too 水蛭也帶走了我丈夫的性命