
ledge n.1.壁架。2.【地質學;地理學】(巖石突出的)巖架;...


The trio had fallen off a ledge sunday and had to hole up until rescue crews could find them monday morning 三人于周日掉進巖架,不得不躲避起來,直到周一早晨營救隊員找到他們。

Being entrepreneurial doesn ' t mean jump off a ledge and figure out how to make a parachute on the way down 企業家精神不是說從窗臺上跳下來,然后在下落時才想到制作降落傘。

He glanced up , dolohov was standing on the window - ledge , his face was pale and full of merriment 他看了一眼:多洛霍夫正站在窗臺上,他的臉色蒼白,但卻露出了愉快的神態。

And he made a grating of network of bronze , for the altar , under its ledge beneath , reaching halfway up 4又為壇作一個銅網,安在壇四面的圍腰板以下,從下達到壇的半腰。

Both of us were able to look in by standing on the basement , and clinging to the ledge , and we saw - ah 我們倆站在墻根地上,手扒著窗臺邊,就能瞧到里面。我們看見啊!

In fact it formed a little closet , and the ledge of a window , which it enclosed , served as a table 事實上,它形成一個小小的套間。它里面的一個窗臺剛好當張桌子用。

He made for the altar a grating of bronze network beneath , under its ledge , reaching halfway up 出38 : 4又為壇作一個銅網、安在壇四面的圍腰板以下、從下達到壇的半腰。

“ you shall put it beneath , under the ledge of the altar , so that the net will reach halfway up the altar 出27 : 5把網安在壇四面的圍腰板以下、使網從下達到壇的半腰。

The window ledge , above the bed where i placed my candle , was covered with writing scratched on the paint 在床頭我放蠟燭的窗臺上,油漆面多處給字跡劃得亂七八糟。

It had been the third time this week that i crashed on the cluttered , twisting , dropping ledge 這已經是我本周第3次在這個亂七八糟、扭扭歪歪的速降平臺上摔倒了。

They made a grating for the altar , a bronze network , to be under its ledge , halfway up the altar 4又為壇作一個銅網,安在壇四面的圍腰板以下,從下達到壇的半腰。

Waves still lick the ledges in the coves , and a few fishermen still set out to sea in their boats 海浪繼續舔舐著海岸的凸起,一些漁民依舊乘著小船出海。

He can also climb fences , ledges , ladders , and into the ceiling compartments of elevators 他還能翻爬柵欄,壁架,梯子,甚至可以爬上電梯廂的天花板。

A : he fell out the window , but was albe to hang on to the window ledge until the firemen came 他從窗戶跌了出去,但是有力氣抓緊窗臺,直到消防員來。

The cover is larger than the passage , and sits on a ledge that supports it along the entire perimeter 蓋子比入口大,下面一圈有整個架子支撐著它。

He fell out the window , but was albe to hang on to the window ledge until the firemen came 他從窗戶跌了出去,但是有力氣抓緊窗臺,直到消防員來。

Then they stood there , with their hands on the ledge of the berth , and talked 接著,他們站在那里,手扶住了上鋪的邊上,說起了話來。

Several more of his kind are piled on a ledge behind him , their jaws taped shut 另有幾條鱷魚堆放在后面的臺子上,顎部被膠帶封住。

He laid the dry snot picked from his nostril on a ledge of rock , carefully 他把從鼻孔里摳出來的干鼻屎小心翼翼地放在巖角上。