
leda n.【希臘神話】勒達〔斯巴達王后,與化為天鵝的宙斯交接而...


She is older than the rocks among which she sits , like the vampire , she has been dead many times , and learned the secrets of the grave ; and has been a driver in deep seas , and keeps their fallen day about her ; and trafficked for strange webs with eastern merchhants , and , as leda , was the mother of helen of troy , and , as saint anne , the mother of mary ; and all this has been to her but as the sound of lyres and flutes , and lives only in the delicacy with which it has molded the changing lineaments , and tinged the eyelids and the hands 她比她所坐的巖石更古老;像吸血鬼,她死過多次,懂得墳墓里的秘密;曾經潛入深海,記得海沉的往日;曾同東方商人交易,買過奇異的網;作為麗達,是海倫的母親,作為圣?安尼,又是瑪麗的母親;而這一切對她又像豎琴和橫笛的樂音,只存在于一種微妙的情調上,表現于她生動的面目和她眼瞼和雙手的色調。

Terence o ryan heard him and straightway brought him a crystal cup full of the foaming ebon ale which the noble twin brothers bungiveagh and bungardilaun brew ever in their divine alevats , cunning as the sons of deathless leda 特倫斯奧賴恩聽見這話,立刻端來一只透明的杯子,里面滿是冒泡的烏道濃啤酒。這是那對高貴的雙胞胎邦吉維和邦加耿朗132在他們那神圣的大桶里釀造的。

The thesis contains following main parts : ( 1 ) the intrinsic flatness of disk galaxies has been statistically analyzed based on 14 , 988 disk galaxies taken from the leda database 我們的主要研究工作有: ( 1 )我們從leda數據庫中選取了14 , 988顆盤星系進行了內稟扁度的統計分析。

I got a telegram from leda 我從麗達收到了電報

Sweet . - his wife is called leda 很可愛他的妻子叫麗達

- sweet . - his wife is called leda 很可愛他的妻子叫麗達