
lectureship 1.講師的職位[資格、身分]。2.(大學的)講座。


He is a member of many scientific associations and holder of many prestigious fellowships , including fellowships of the royal society and the american society for arts and sciences . he has held visiting professorships and lectureships at several important universities , including princeton , berkeley and illinois 他又是多個科學組織的成員,以及著名學會的院士,包括英國皇家學會、美國文學與科學學會,并曾任普林斯頓、柏克萊、伊利諾等頂尖大學的客座教授和講師。

In 1991 , dr lee made a most generous donation to support the cuhk - yale south china studies programme , which provided fellowships for doctoral students and funds for engaging experienced researchers and lectureships , built up library collections and research resources , and financed research projects and academic conferences . the research programme has enabled successful collaboration between yale university and the chinese university , enhanced the understanding of south china by practitioners in various professions and the commercial sector , thereby contributing towards the continued development of hong kong and south china 這筆捐款為耶魯大學與香港中文大學中國研究計劃提供博士獎學金、聘請資深研究員、設立講座教席、添置圖書資料及資助學術會議,促進兩校的學術合作關系,加強專業界與工商界人士對華南地區的了解,并維系本港與華南地區的持續發展,影響深遠。

The award was made for her innovative design and synthesis of metal - based luminescent materials and novel contributions to light - induced chemical reactions . she is the first chinese academic to be offered such an endowed lectureship by rsc to recognize her research contributions to inorganic chemistry 2005年,任教授憑著她在金屬基發光材料的合成研究和創新設計,以及就光化學反應所作的嶄新貢獻成為首位獲英國皇家化學學會頒授百周年講座獎的華人學者。

She is the first chinese academic to be offered such an endowed lectureship by rsc to recognize her research contributions to inorganic chemistry . the award was made for her innovative design and synthesis of metal - based luminescent materials and novel contributions to light - induced chemical reactions 任教授憑著她在金屬基發光材料的合成研究和創新設計,以及就光化學反應所作的嶄新貢獻獲頒這個獎項。

Over the years , prof . chan has received numerous awards and honours , including endowed lectureships from various universities , teaching prizes and the chinese american faculty association achievement award in recognition of his dedication to nurturing young chinese chemists 在其四十五年的學術生涯中,陳教授獲獎無數,包括學術和教學獎,以及表揚他對培育年青華裔化學家作出貢獻的cafa成就獎。

The centenary lectureship is financed by the centenary fund which was founded in 1949 to celebrate the centenary of rsc . it aims to promote the interchange of chemists between the united kingdom and other countries 百周年講座獎由該會百周年基金設立,該基金于一九四九年學會成立一百周年時設立,旨在推動英國與其他國家的化學家進行切磋交流。

The department is particularly strong in the areas of biological chemistry and carbon - based materials . our faculty members have been recognized with national awards and invited lectureships 該系在生物化學和碳材料方面較優秀。主要介紹內容包括:全系的研究興趣方向、畢業和在讀學生、課程介紹、教材、學術討論會、學生作業、系內資源、安全等。

Professor vivian yam wing wah , head of the department of chemistry and chair of chemistry of the university of hong kong ( hku ) , has been awarded a centenary lectureship by the royal society of chemistry ( rsc ) 香港大學化學系主任兼化學講座教授任詠華榮獲英國皇家化學學會頒授百周年講座獎,以表揚她在無機化學研究的貢獻。

In memory of rev . pommerenke who donated a piece of land at siu tao fung shan , the pommerenke lectureship of christianity and chinese culture has been set up since 1998 by the trustees of the college 為紀念已故之萬倫牧師捐出小道風山土地,崇基學院校董會由一九九八年起,撥款設立萬倫基督教與中國文化講師教席。

Conduct public lectures related to the research of christianity , wherewith the chuen king lectureship as well as the pommerenke lectures on christianity and chinese culture with dsccc 舉辦基督教研究有關之公開講座,并為崇基學院神學院之傳經講座及萬倫基督教與中國文化講座之協辦單位。

Last year , she was awarded a centenary lectureship by the united kingdom s royal society of chemistry in recognition of her research contributions to inorganic chemistry 而在去年,任教授榮獲英國皇家化學學會頒授百周年講座獎,以表揚她在無機化學研究的貢獻。

Associate lectureship at batley school of art , west yorkshire from 1981 to 2000 1981年到2000年在西約克郡的巴特雷藝術學院擔任助理講師。

She is the first chinese academic to be offered such an endowed lectureship by rsc 她是首位華人學者獲頒授此榮譽。

K . c . wong education foundation lectureship 王寬誠教育基金會講座學者

The lectureship is tenable for a period of three years 講師這一職位任期三年