
lecturer n.1.演講者。2.(大學、學院中的)講師;訓導者。


Part - time lecturer , school of pharmacy the chinese university of hong kong 香港中文大學藥劑學院兼職講師

The lecturer is giving a speech 那個演講者正在做講演。

The lecturer continued giving lessons as if nothing had happened 講師繼續上課,好像什么也沒發生似的。

The lecturer was a middle - aged man 演講者是個中年男人。

If the lecturer doesn ' t stop talking , i ' ll climb the wall 真煩死了,演講者若再不停止講話,我要溜走了。

Film director , senior lecturer , the hk academy for performing arts 舒琪(香港演藝學院高級講師,導演)

We have our own team of experienced and outstanding lecturers 我們擁有經驗豐富,戰績顯赫的演講團隊!

He is practiced in the art of design . she is a practiced lecturer 他精于設計藝術。她是個老練的演說者

Former lecturer and chief physician of the first military university 曾任第一軍醫大學講師主治醫師。

A lecturer was giving a lecture to his student on stress management 一位講師正在給他的學生們上課。

The lecturer spoke over an hour 這位演講者演講超過一小時。

Our special guest lecturer retains an authority on the topic 我們的特別的客座演講者是這方面的權威

The lecturer dwelt on the complexities of modern life 那位演講人就有關現代生活的復雜性加以詳論。

The lecturer was besieged with questions from his audience 講演者為聽眾所提出的許多問題所困惱。

Visiting lecturer , hong kong polytechnic university , hongkong 日本都市建筑家香港理工大學客座講師

It also introduced the makeup of lecturers ' team at the same time 同時還介紹了講師隊伍的組成。

Duan huiyuan : chief physician , lecturer , director of center 段惠遠:主治醫師,講師,中心主任。

The lecturer overran by ten minutes 演講人超過規定時間十分鐘。

The lecturer speaks through a microphone 演講者通過麥克風說話。