
lecture n.1.講義,講演,講話 (on)。2.教訓,訓斥。短語...

lecture room

The first lecture introduces new students to the broad outlines of the subject . 第一堂課向新同學介紹這一科目的概要。

When i attended his lecture , i always tried hard to strangle yawning . 我上他的課時,總是竭力地制止自己打呵欠。

Professor zhu will give lectures to the postgraduates [research students] this term . 朱教授這學期給研究生開課。

After he finished the book , he found time to lecture at various colleges . 他完成那本書后就有時間在各大學講演。

Neither the subject nor the title of this lecture is of my own choice . 這次講演的主題與題目都不是我自己選定的。

In recent years ellison has lectured at several american universities . 最近幾年,埃利遜在好幾所美國大學執教。

The general no longer confided in him, no longer lectured him . 將軍不再把他當作心腹了,不再給他講大道理了。

The professor in his lecture went beyond the capacity of his audience . 這位教授的講課超過了聽眾的接受能力。

The phrases of this little lecture came naturally to her lips . 這短短的幾句教條很自然地從她嘴里流露出來。

He was indefatigable in his lectures on the aesthetics of love . 在講授關于愛情的美學時,他是不知疲倦的。

I was very interested in the lecture , unlike many of the students . 我跟許多同學不同,我很喜歡聽這個課。

It is difficult to understand his books , still more his lectures . 他寫的書很難懂,他的演講更不用說了。

Do stop lecturing me ! 別教訓我了!

Her lecture took in all the recent developments in the subject . 她的講座包羅了該學科的全部新進展。

I told him specifically not to miss professor chang 's lecture . 我曾特別地囑咐他不要缺張教授的課。

That was a pretty decent lecture professor williams gave today . 威廉教授今天做得演講相當不錯。

The lecture won't start until every last person is seated . 直到每一個人就座以后,演講才開始。

If there is good weather , the lecture will be held indoors . 如果天氣壞,講演會改在室內舉行。

I 'll return to this point in my lecture in a little while . 過一會兒我還要回過來講這個問題。