
lection n.1.(禮拜時)誦讀的經文。2.(同一著作不同版本的)...


It includes plan on human resources , employment , development and training , achievement and assessment , reward and encouragement , building - up enterprise culture , and so on . this passage is divided into four sections : first , it analyses human resources management theory in order to maintain close ties with reality . second , through perspective of present human resources management status in huaxia bank , shenyang branch and comparison with that of foreign capital banks , in the end we get human resources management methods to huaxia bank , shenyang branch , we resist impulsion of foreign capital banks and catch hold of some points like organization design , position management , application and lection , training and development , performance management , compesation management 全文共分四個部分:首先分析人力資源管理理論,目的是為了更好地聯系實際,其次通過透視華夏銀行沈陽分行人力資源管理現狀,以及與外資銀行的人力資源管理進行比較,最后得出華夏銀行沈陽分行人力資源管理對策,對策的提出是為了對抗外資銀行帶來的沖擊,本著與國際慣例接軌的原則,抓住組織設計、職位管理、招聘選拔、培訓發展、績效管理、薪酬管理幾個環節,提出全新人力資源管理理念,完成人力資源管理實踐活動,形成人力資源管理戰略,達到員工期望和需要,最終構建出以實現企業戰略和企業文化及價值觀為根本目的的人力資源問題解決方案,以應對入世后國內外銀行的激烈競爭,使華夏銀行能在未來的幾年內,建立起以“用真誠凝聚人才,用培訓提高人才,用利益驅動人才”的人力資源管理機制,構筑人才高地,積極引進潛力,滿足華夏銀行入世后轉型再造和創新發展對人才的需要。

Chapter two puts forward the general idea about the lexical selection model and then gives a brief introduce to the interlingua and hownet , which will be used in succedent discussions . chapter three introduces the construction of example base and semantics pattern base , which are the main data resources of the lection selection model 第二章是系統結構和基礎知識,提出了選詞模型的總體思路,簡要介紹其系統結構;并對中間語言表示方法及基于知網的語義計算模型等有關基礎知識進行了介紹。

There have several theories about it such as hypothesis of risk and efficiency , hypothesis of supply and demand of system transformation , hypothesis of asset specificity , which form the fundamentals for t he se lection 其中最主要和最有影響的理論有風險效率假說、制度變遷供求假說和資產專用性假說,它們為金融業經營體制的選擇提供了理論支撐。

In lection 46 verse 17 , of the gospel of the nazarenes , that was translated in 1892 , the term “ teachers of righteousness “ is used , a term that was not known until the discovery of the dead sea scrolls 1n 1947 在1892年翻譯的拿撒勒的福音書經卷46詩篇17中,使用了“正義導師” ,而這個詞直到1947年死海古卷被發現人們才理解其含義。

The system function analysis . data col lection . exploitation principle 這樣使得網絡資源共享,可以盡量減少人工接口問題。

Lection in home series 家有真經系列

Sanctum article s - lection in home series “ big easy 書房篇s -家有真經“大容易