
lectern n.1.(教堂中的)讀經臺。2.(演講臺上的)小臺架。


All conference and function rooms feature state - of - the - art audio - visual equipment including the following : multi - microphone system , multi - system vcr , full range of lighting equipment , portable stage , catwalk and dance floor , word processor , xerox and printing facilities , lecterns , easels and flip charts , whiteboards , simultaneous translation , sound and light projectors 所有會議室及宴會廳均設有先進備的影音裝置,包括多功能會議音響系統投影幻燈系統多制式錄像機舞臺燈光系統活動舞臺時裝表演臺及舞池文字處理設施文件復印設備演講臺活動支架特別提供同聲翻譯及聲像投影系統。

The young ones took up the role as choristers ; they proudly proclaimed the word of the lord at the lectern ; they also brought the gifts up to the altar during offertory - it was a very encouraging sight , especially for those involved in the spiritual formation of these children 幼少的弟妹親自擔任負責歌唱贊詠、高聲宣讀圣言、在獻禮儀式中奉上餅酒禮品,這為負責培育這群兒童的導師來說,真是一個值得可喜驕傲的場面。

A lump rose in clare s throat . the portable lectern was taken out from the corner and set in the middle of the fireplace , the two old servants came in , and angel s father began to read at the tenth verse of the aforesaid chapter - 兩個年老的仆人走進來,把輕便的讀經臺從墻角搬出來,擺在壁爐的正中間,克萊爾的父親就讀前面提到的那一章的第十節

Prepared speakers and session masters have a 30 - second leeway . if you are overtime , i will ring the bell , and you must stop and leave the lectern immediately 如果臺上的演講者超過時間仍繼續講不停,我會按鈴,鈴響時你必須立刻停止演講,并立即離開講臺。

He is perfectly successful in the cross on the lectern , the gospel , and the drapery that hangs down from the lectern 讀經臺上的十字架、福音書以及從讀經臺上垂下來的飄帶,他都圓滿地做成了。

When they decided to leave , the little boy refused to go , he just grabbed hold of the lectern not wanting to leave master 當他們決定離開時,那小男孩不肯走,緊緊抓著桌臺,不肯離開師父。

An elevated platform , lectern , or stand used in preaching or conducting a religious service 講道臺在布道或主持宗教儀式時所用的講壇、小臺架或講臺

Up to the lectern 到講臺來

Can i bring my notes to the lectern 我可以帶筆記到講臺去嗎?

The chauffeur walked to the lectern and delivered the speech 而司機走上了講臺,作講演。

A lectern and platform were set up on the east side, facing an array of seats arranged in a semicircle . 廳的東側設置了主席臺和講臺,面對講臺排列著呈半圓形的一排排座位。

An audience is dismayed to see a speaker peering down at a thick sheaf of papers on the lectern . 聽眾看到演講人盯著放在講臺上厚厚的講稿就會感到沮喪。

He came over to the table and stood in front of it as though it was a lectern . 他走近桌子,站在桌前,猶如站在讀經臺上一般。