
lecithin n.【生物化學】卵磷脂。


Bingquan brand dried bean - curd stick bean - curd sheet is a kind of food made from soybean and contains high vegetable protein and fat , and also richs in soybean lecithin . it is an ideal nutritious food for all ages 冰泉牌三邊腐竹元枝腐竹是先用優質黃豆制成的高植物蛋白食品,含有豐富的蛋白質大豆卵磷脂植物脂肪等營養成份,不含膽固醇,是老少最理想的食品。

Lecithin ( phosphatidyl choline ) one of a group of phospholipids that contain glycerol , fatty acid , phosphoric acid , and choline that are found widely in higher plants and animals , particularly as a component of cell membranes 卵磷脂(磷脂酰膽堿) :磷脂的一種,由甘油、脂肪酸、磷酸和膽堿組成,在高等動植物中廣泛存在,是細胞膜的重要組分。

Peanut beancurd jelly rich in soybean lecithin this food is produced by advanced equipment and high technology with high quality soybean , peanut , sugar as its raw material and features the unique taste of peanut 冰泉速食花生豆腐花是選用優質花生東北黃豆白砂糖為主要原料,經先進技術脫腥提取精制而成的一種方便豆腐花食品。

Characteristics : the oil contains unsaturated fatty acid up to 90 percent , with no cholesterol , linoleic acid 69 - 75 percent , and other nutritional ingredients such as plant sterols , lecithin and carotene , etc 特點:其不飽和脂脂酸含量達90 ,不含膽固醇,亞油酸含量達69 ? 75 ,還含有植物固醇、卵磷脂、胡蘿卜素等營養。

Yolk powder is rich in lecithin and cephalin . it has very high nutrition value , excellent emulsifying and flavoring ability and is widely used in mutrition food 雞蛋黃粉含有豐富的孵磷脂、腦磷脂,不僅具有豐富的營養價值,而且還有極好的乳化性,是提高食品的口感,增加風味,使用極為廣泛的食品營養配料。

Ingredients : wheat flour , sugar , vegetable shortening , cocoa powder , color ( caramel color ) , leavening agents , flavor , edible salt , whole milk powder , soy lecithin , vanillin 配料表:小麥粉、白砂糖、植物起酥油、可可粉、色素、 (焦糖色素) ,膨松劑,食用香精,食用鹽,全脂乳粉,大豆磷脂,香蘭素。

One of the most important components , lecithin , can improve the stability of feed particles in water , postpone the dissolving of water - soluble nutrients , and help the absorption and digestion of lipids ,改良飼料之水中安定性,延遲水溶性營養的溶出及幫助其他脂肪的消化及吸收。

Soybean , malt paste extract , isomaltooligosaccharide , ultramicro calcium , zinc lactate , ferrous lactate , lecithin , isoflavone , wheat germoil , vitamin d , vitamin c and - carotin 該品甜味來自有保健功能新糖源異麥芽低聚糖,具有低甜度,低熱值特點,不必擔心同攝入過多糖份而發胖。

The capsule is a vacuum carrier made of lecithin , which is closely akin to human skin tissue and helps deliver nutrients to the inner part of the skin cells 微脂囊是以卵磷脂等成分為主的空心體,與人體皮膚組織兼容,可將原本無法順利被肌膚吸收的成分,送到細胞內部。

Although the soybean looks small , it contains vegetable protein , vitamin and lecithin nutritions which are beneficial to people s health 小小的大豆,是蘊藏蛋白質,維生素和卵磷脂等營養素和富礦,對人體保健極有益處。

A method was developed for the detection of cholesterol , lecithin , and bile salts in model bile by hplc simultaneously 摘要采用高效液相色譜法,可同時測定一個模擬膽汁樣品中膽固醇、卵磷脂和膽酸鹽的含量。

Main ingredients : levorotatory vc essence , ve , collagen , lecithin , hyaluronic acid , kojic acid , vegetal extract etc 主要成分:左旋維生素c精華、生素e精華、膠原蛋白、卵磷脂、醣醛酸、曲酸、植物提取素等。

Ingredients : sugar , cocoa butter , cocoa mass , vegetable , whole milk powder , chestnut power , soya lecithin , vanillin 配料:白砂糖、可可白脫、可可液塊、全脂牛乳粉、植物油脂、栗子粉、大豆磷脂、香蘭素。

Containing bifidobacterium breeding factor rich in soybean lecithin this natural drink contains no cane sugar and low calorie 該品是目前唯一既含有豐富的大豆卵磷脂,同時又不含膽固醇和飽和脂肪的飲品。

Lecithin is an emulsifier that breaks down fat and cholesterol and helps you maintain a healthy heart and blood vessels 卵磷脂是脂肪質的乳化劑,有助分解脂肪及膽固醇,保持心血管健康。

The difficulties associated with lecithin gum drying may be avoided by the addi tion of oil prior to entering the evaporator 在水化油腳中添加油脂,可以避免水化油腳濃縮脫水的困難。

Abstract : the unique rheology of the lecithin - water s ystem has lead to processing difficulties in the drying of lecithin 文摘:水化油腳獨特的流體特性導致在濃縮脫水時的困難。

Lecithin is an emulsifier that helps break down fats and helps to maintain a healthy heart and blood vessels 卵磷脂是脂肪物質的乳化劑,有助分解脂肪及膽固醇,保持心血管健康。

Make thin yellow and viscous subtances productions was neither the same as for quercetin nor the lecithin by dsc 生成淡黃色粘性固體,經差示量熱分析發現產物與原反應物不同。